Cybercriminals will target Apple in 2016, say experts

Cybercriminals are increasingly targeting Apple devices and 2016 will see a rise in attacks on its operating systems, security experts suggest. According to security firm Symantec, the amount of malware aimed at Apple’s mobile operating system (iOS) has more than doubled this year, while threats to Mac computers also rose. Security firm FireEye also expects […]

Cybercriminals will target Apple in 2016, say experts

Cybercriminals are increasingly targeting Apple devices and 2016 will see a rise in attacks on its operating systems, security experts suggest.
According to security firm Symantec, the amount of malware aimed at Apple’s mobile operating system (iOS) has more than doubled this year, while threats to Mac computers also rose.
Security firm FireEye also expects 2016 to be a bumper year for Apple malware.
Systems such as Apple Pay could be targeted, it predicts.
Apple is an obvious target for cybercriminals because its products are so popular, said Dick O’Brien, a researcher at Symantec.
While the total number of threats targeting Apple devices remains low compared with Windows and Android, Symantec is seeing the range of threats multiply.
Last year, it was seeing a monthly average of between 10,000 and 70,000 Mac computers infected with malware.
“This is far fewer than Windows desktops and we don’t want to scaremonger. Apple remains a relatively safe platform but Apple users can no longer be complacent about security, as the number of infections and new threats rise,” said Mr O’Brien.
The number of unique OS X computers infected with malware in the first nine months of 2015 was seven times higher than in all of 2014, its research found. (BBC)