CybokMedia is committed to balanced news reporting – Publisher

He stated that the advantage has is that subscribers receive the news as it happens. They do not need to wait for a particular time of the day to get their news.  “All it takes is to visit and subscribe for updates through the subscription box and confirm their subscription in their emails […]

CybokMedia is committed to balanced news reporting – Publisher
CybokMedia is committed to balanced news reporting – Publisher

He stated that the advantage has is that subscribers receive the news as it happens. They do not need to wait for a particular time of the day to get their news.  
“All it takes is to visit and subscribe for updates through the subscription box and confirm their subscription in their emails to ensure regular news alert. The good thing is, the subscription is free. You can receive the news anywhere and on your phone, tablet, laptop computer and other devices. It’s the greatest thing to happen to news reporting”, he said.
The former Director\Editor in Chief of Theweek magazine said CybokMedia is an independent, liberal online newspaper committed to the right of the individual to pursue his economic happiness, without undue interference of the state.
“CybokMedia is committed to the virtues of republican democracy and seeks through its wide and balanced coverage of events to inform Nigerians and the international community to realize and sustain these ideals,” he said.
 He added that it disapproves of all arbitrariness, and shall constantly strive to hold the government accountable to the people. It holds as sacred the integrity, stability and cohesion of the Nigerian nation, and shall strive always to promote peaceful relations among her people based on justice, equity and fairness.
Okitikpi, maintained that it has a wide and balanced coverage enhanced by its simplicity of narrative style, lucid prose and informed analysis, which will assure it a wide audience.
“It will equally draw a wide audience base from the intelligentsia, the political class, opinion leaders, the diplomatic corps, professional career men and women, and other members of the attentive public. Although its bias is on the political, business, national and international news reporting, its back-up stories on entertainment, sports and technology will help to broaden its audience”, he said.