Dad loves travelling around the world- Zaynab Buba Galadima

Weekly Trust: Many relate with your dad as a politician. Who is he apart from this?Zaynab Buba Galadima: He is a caring father who always reminds us to be independent and stand up for ourselves. I know him to be one of the most loyal people, and I admire that a lot about him. He […]

Dad loves travelling around the world- Zaynab Buba Galadima
Dad loves travelling around the world- Zaynab Buba Galadima

Weekly Trust: Many relate with your dad as a politician. Who is he apart from this?
Zaynab Buba Galadima: He is a caring father who always reminds us to be independent and stand up for ourselves. I know him to be one of the most loyal people, and I admire that a lot about him. He is also a very consistent, highly principled, very simple and opinionated person.
WT: How does he unwind?
Galadima: Well, he is a workaholic; he normally likes to sleep during the morning hours but these days as he has less to do, he normally stays under the mango tree with his friends with flasks of tea and discusses. He loves to travel around the world.
WT: What are his favourite pastimes?
Galadima: He was a student union president while in Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria. During his tenure, he fought for equality, justice and most of all he was able to enjoy social justice during his prime as opposed to now, when young people can’t make it in life unless they know someone.
WT: What are fond childhood memories that you have of being with him?
Galadima: When I was young, I didn’t like heat. So because of me the linens were always changed. To make me feel better, he would occasionally carry me with my hand around his neck and we would go around our neighbourhood. Those were very special moments I thoroughly enjoyed. At the time I was the only girl. So I got a lot of pampering and attention from him. But now I have two younger sisters who have long taken over since I got married.
WT: What were common words he regularly used?
Galadima: He always told us not to expect him to do what other parents do for their children because the best he can give us is quality education.
WT: What is the habit he has that many don’t know about him?
Galadima: He fills up the water containers in the house when there is shortage of water. He likes to pick harmful objects like nails and stones on the way. He is not a fan of collecting rents so the few houses he has, people stay there for free. A great love he has is caring for orphans. He is compassionate about them. He has this spirit of maintaining ties with people and he attends naming ceremonies, weddings, funerals, visits the sick. If you don’t see him at one of such functions where he ordinarily should have been, then he probably hasn’t heard. He is very friendly, especially with the less-privileged.
WT: What about him did you inherit?
Galadima: Just like him, I am opinionated. My yes is yes and no is no. I also took after him in being fearless, loyal and principled.
WT: Did the public have misconceptions about him?
Galadima: Absolutely! Sometimes you hear things which are hard not to believe and then they turn out to be false. But I guess it is the same with everyone. Some people live to tarnish other people’s images. It doesn’t matter who you are, there will always be a group of people who will always be negative. Again, that’s life. You have to accept the way their mindsets operate and defend what you can and leave the rest to God.
WT: Growing up, when you were naughty, what reaction of his did you dread the most?
Galadima: I can’t recall much of his reactions because he was away on trips and work often. But my mum was more of the disciplinarian and always the bad cop (laughter). But then, interestingly, because he was hardly there we were more scared of him than her.
WT: What did he enjoy the most about his job?
Galadima: He likes to leave a good record! Wherever he worked people complained he was strict. But when he left the place they wished he was there because he made sure employees were rewarded accordingly. He made sure employees carried out their responsibilities and their entitlements distributed accordingly. But no extravagance and no room for manipulations and mismanagement of funds
WT: How has being his child impacted on and influenced you?
Galadima: So much is expected from me, and there are times I get along with people easily because they know where I am from and along their journeys he has helped people or they’ve heard about him. I hardly meet people who haven’t had anything to do with him. And 90 per cent of the time I hear good words about him.
WT: What is his life philosophy?
Galadima: Stay simple, stay humble, don’t take what is not yours and let your word be your bond! Loyalty is everything.

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