Daily Trust @ 20: Need for responsible journalism

In my observation, with just a “word” or “two” the media could calm “frayed nerves” or set the society “ablaze” with a twinkle of an eye. The “media” being the fourth estate of the state, whether established by a Muslim or Christian or an Animist or a Northerner or a Southerner it has the responsibilities […]

Daily Trust @ 20: Need for responsible journalism
Daily Trust @ 20: Need for responsible journalism

In my observation, with just a “word” or “two” the media could calm “frayed nerves” or set the society “ablaze” with a twinkle of an eye. The “media” being the fourth estate of the state, whether established by a Muslim or Christian or an Animist or a Northerner or a Southerner it has the responsibilities of promoting peace, tolerance, justice, good governance and fairness in the society. Is the media living up to its responsibility?

Permit me to congratulate Media Trust Limited, the publishers of Daily Trust on the occasion of their 20 years anniversary. One must commend Daily Trust for its balance reportage, investigative Journalism and high sense of professionalism in an industry highly dominated by sensational Journalism. I wish the company many more years of unbiased Journalism. 

It is sad to note that, some sections of the media in the country often “over balloon” reports of killings affecting a particular religion or ethnic group and “down play” a similar reports of killings in some places affecting other religion or ethnic group. In my view, this is not a responsible media practice. It is a disservice to the nation and unethical to the profession of Journalism.

The media should and or must be responsible in reporting ethno-religious issues.  Let’s use our diversities as strength. Let’s preach unity through media. A responsible media owes the society, the responsibility of promoting peace, tolerance, accommodation and unity among its diverse people.

In my observation, the media or at least a larger sections of its was at its lowest ebb during the 2015 General Elections due to its divisive reportage. During the 2015 electioneering campaigns, the media could not resist manipulation from ethnic and regional champions. Some print and electronic media played a divisive role which divided our people the more. The industry regulators of the media houses in the country could not play their constitutional role.

If we must get it right, we must avoid our 2015 experiences of divisive campaigns. It was a campaign of hate speeches. Divisive electioneering campaigns will make the country more difficult to govern after victory at the polls. As the nation approaches 2019 General Elections, I call on the media to reject temptation from self-centered politicians who do not have any program to campaign with other than ethnicity and regionalism.

Why is the media as a responsible industry in the country often allow ethnic entrepreneurs among us, use its platforms as a means of emphasis on our differences for their selfish political gains rather than what we share in common? In my observation, the poor people of Nigeria whether Muslims or Christians share some things in common which are : poor provision of health care services, bad roads, epileptic power supply, and poverty etc.

No doubt the media as an industry has played its parts in the struggle that led to ending military rule in the country. It has also done so well in the survival of Nigeria’s democracy to its present unprecedented years. However, in my view, if the media does not get rid of some bad eggs amongst its ranks, as quickly possible, the few bad eggs in the profession will destroy the society. May God forbid that! 

There is the allegation of bias media reports against the North and Northerners by the Southern dominated “print and electronic media”. As responsible media, the industry should be a media anchored on patriotism and professionalism not sectionalism or regionalism. I call on the media practitioners in country to be patriotic enough in discharging their duties as the watchdog of the society.  Journalism profession is a profession that is anchored on the principle of Justice, fairness, and balance reportage. Sensationalism does not do anybody any good.

Once again, congratulations to Daily Trust Newspapers

May God bless Nigeria!


Nurudeen Dauda, Kaduna.