Daily Trust staff wins travel grant for 4th HLF Confab

Garba Hussaini Mohammed, a staff of Media Trust Ltd, publishers of the Daily Trust newspaper titles, has won a travel grant to cover the 4th Heidelberg Laureate Forum Foundation (HLF) conference. The conference, which is a forum for mathematicians and scientists, will be attended by young people from across the world. It takes place in […]

Daily Trust staff wins travel grant for 4th HLF Confab
Daily Trust staff wins travel grant for 4th HLF Confab

Garba Hussaini Mohammed, a staff of Media Trust Ltd, publishers of the Daily Trust newspaper titles, has won a travel grant to cover the 4th Heidelberg Laureate Forum Foundation (HLF) conference.
The conference, which is a forum for mathematicians and scientists, will be attended by young people from across the world. It takes place in Germany in September.
“After an extensive evaluation from a pool of very strong applications, we are pleased to inform you that you have been selected. We are excited to welcome you in Heidelberg this September,” the letter notifying Hussaini of the grant, stated.
 The event will be preceded with a Media Get-together’, while the conference itself starts the next day, Sunday September 18, and runs through to Friday September 23, the letter, which was signed by Beate Spiegel, Chairperson of the Heidelberg Laureate Forum Foundation, and Ruth Wetzlar, Head of Conference Management, said.