Day Jigawa deputy gov, Aruwa were turbaned as Shettiman, Walin Hadejia

The palace of the Emir of Hadejia, in Jigawa State, the venue for the turbaning of Barrister Ibrahim Hassan, the deputy governor of the state, as Shettiman Hadejia and Senator Ahmed Mukhtar Aruwa as the Walin Hadejia, was full to the brim as guests, spectators and praise singers from within and outside the state and […]

Day Jigawa deputy gov, Aruwa were turbaned as Shettiman, Walin Hadejia

The palace of the Emir of Hadejia, in Jigawa State, the venue for the turbaning of Barrister Ibrahim Hassan, the deputy governor of the state, as Shettiman Hadejia and Senator Ahmed Mukhtar Aruwa as the Walin Hadejia, was full to the brim as guests, spectators and praise singers from within and outside the state and beyond thronged to the palace.
The new Shetima, who is a councillor in the emirate council, inherited the title after the death of his father.
Aruwa’s title of Wali was the first of its kind in the emirate.
The title of Shatima was awarded to Hassan about two years ago but the turbaning ceremony was delayed until now.
The process for turbaning of traditional title holder in the emirate begins from the house of one of the senior councillors of the council, shamakin Hadejia, where the new traditional title holder and other people converge.
The new title holders are expected to come along with them Kola nuts, a gown embellished with embroidery, red cap and a turban. Once the items are verified by shamaki, the proceedings for the turbaning begin.
After leaving Shamaki’s house, the new traditional title holders are led to the emir’s place and handed over to the families of furya of Hedejia, whose traditional role it is to turban the new traditional title holder.
The turbaning is performed in the presence of the emirate council members.
The newly turbaned title holders would now proceed to where the emir seats and pay homage in accordance with the tradition. Thereafter, people are allowed to go back to their houses.
According to a source close to the palace, the recent titles given to the two traditional title holders turbaned on Thursday are titles given to the descendants of the families of Islamic scholars or imams.
The source added that the deputy governor was appointed last year by the Emir of Hadejia, Adamu Abubakar Maje, as the Shettima of the emirate after the death of his father, Alhaji Hassan Hadejia, who died two years ago.
Given a brief history of the two new title holders, the source said that the 50-year-old Shettima of Hadejia is a Law graduate from the famous Ahmadu Bello University, (ABU) Zaria.
The new Shettima was between 2002 and 2007 deputy governor to governor Saminu Turaki and returned as a deputy governor under the present governor of Jigawa State.
Aruwa attended Burnside OTT Aviation Training Center, Florida, USA. Aruwa, while in the USA, worked with military institutions and, on his coming back home, he worked with Nigerian Air Force between the years 1967 and 1973.
He represented Kaduna Central Senatorial Districts from 1999 -2007 as a senator.
The deputy governor, who spoke briefly, said that he is aware of the enormous task ahead of him as a public office and traditional title holder, adding that he is determined to do his best in discharging his responsibilities.
The Shettima said that his father left behind a big shoe to be filled, expressing his readiness to contribute his quota for the development of the emirate.
He said: “The award of the new title has further exposed me to another responsibility which means more commitment. I will therefore put more effort to meet up with the expectations.”
In his address shortly after the turbaning, the Emir of Hadejia Adamu Abubakar Maje told the new title holders to see themselves as ambassadors of the emirate and help the emirate to attain lofty heights.
He called on well spirited individuals from the emirate to assist the needy, saying that by doing so, the land would be blessed and peaceful co-existence would prevail.
He added: “The tittles were awarded to you based on your track records. We, therefore, implore you to bring the wealth of your experiences toward moving the emirate to a greater height.
“I urge you to always assist the less privileged. If the needy are not complaining that land will be peaceful and that gives room for development.”