Day Nasiru Ado Bayero became Ciroman Kano

On Friday, December 4, 2015, the palace of Emir of Kano Muhammadu Sanusi ll was packed to capacity for the turbaning ceremony of Alhaji Nasiru Ado Bayero as the new Ciroman Kano. Family members, friends and well-wishers from far and near, thronged the palace in the early hours of the day to witness the historic […]

Day Nasiru Ado Bayero became Ciroman Kano

On Friday, December 4, 2015, the palace of Emir of Kano Muhammadu Sanusi ll was packed to capacity for the turbaning ceremony of Alhaji Nasiru Ado Bayero as the new Ciroman Kano.
Family members, friends and well-wishers from far and near, thronged the palace in the early hours of the day to witness the historic event, Daily Trust on Sunday.
Traditional drummers and dancers, comprising young men and women, colourful horse riders and palace guards added colour  to the event.
As early as 9:00 am all districts heads, including the new Ciroma, Alhaji Nasiru Ado Bayero, were seated at the mosque adjacent to one of the places where the emir used to sit on Fridays, waiting for the arrival of the emir.
Shortly after emir Sanusi settled on his seat at Soron-Nadi (turbaning room), where turbaning ceremony takes place, Sallaman Kano headed to the mosque where the districts heads were waiting for the emir and invited the new Ciroma and other districts heads to Soron-Nadi for the turbaning.
At Soron-Nadi, Bayero was directed to sit on a local mat made up of raffia (karauni). Thereafter, Sallama and Galadiman Sallama performed the traditional headdress which consists of a long scarf wrapped around Bayero’s head.
Bayero was also dressed with a white babbar riga (gown) and traditional regalia (alkyabba). Shortly after, Nasiru stood up and saluted all the district heads seated in the room.
In compliance with the tradition, the Wazirin Kano led other districts heads, including the new Ciroma, for the usual homage to the emir.
After the usual homage, Bayero took his seat and people were directed to keep quiet and listen to the emir’s speech.
In his speech, Sanusi said he appointed Bayero as Ciroman Kano because of his loyalty and obedience to the late emir Ado Bayero.
Sanusi stated the title of Ciroma was meant for the children of emirs and Bayero deserved it for his loyalty to our father, late Ado Bayero.
He said: “I conferred this title on you as a reward of your loyalty and obedience to our father, late Ado Bayero, while he was alive. You really deserve the title.
“We know and the whole world also knows that you have really shown extreme loyalty and obedience to our father, late Ado Bayero. We commend you for that and we implore you to uphold this good character.
“We should try to not only maintain our good relationship, but enhance it for our own good. We should not allow others to divide us.”
The emir urged him to promote peace and harmony among his subjects and protect the interest of his people.
The Ciroma, thereafter, rode a well decorated horse and headed to the tradition Gidan Ciroma in Chiranci Quarters in Gwale Local Government Area of the state.
Bayero was escorted to Gidan Ciroma by other district heads and horse riders in a colourful and attractive procession.
He stays there for the whole day receiving family members, friends and well-wishers, who trooped to the house to congratulate him.
Daily Trust on Sunday gathered that some council members also visited Gidan-Ciroma after the council sitting and congratulated the new Ciroma.
Unlike previous Ciromas, the new Ciroman Kano will remain as district head of Nassarawa Local Government Area, not Gwale local government, according to the emir.
Nasiru Ado Bayero succeeded his elder brother, Alhaji Sanusi Ado Bayero, who was stripped of the title for alleged disloyalty to the current emir of Kano.
Until his recent appointment, Nasiru Bayero was the Turakin Kano and district head of Nassarawa local government.
Daily Trust on Sunday reports that on Wednesday, October 28, 2015, Sanusi sacked the Ciroman Kano, Alhaji Sanusi Ado Bayero over an alleged disloyalty and consequently appointed Nasiru Ado Bayero as his replacement. Nasiru is a younger brother to the sacked Ciroma.
Daily Trust on Sunday reports that a month before he was stripped of his title, Sanusi Bayero lost his position as the district head of Gwale local government to Alhaji Yahaya Inuwa Abbas, the Dokajin Kano, who was appointed new district head of the area by the current emir after he (Bayero) absconded from his duty post for more than a year.
A source within the palace told Daily Trust on Sunday that prior to his sack, two different letters were sent to Sanusi Bayero by the emir, asking him to return to his duty post, but he neither returned to his office nor replied any of the letters.
According to another source, a powerful delegation, comprising Bayero’s younger brothers, was also sent to him with a view to convincing him to register his loyalty to the current emir and return to his duty post, but the effort didn’t yield any positive result.
Thus, a statement was issued on Wednesday, October 28, 2015, by the council announcing his removal as the Ciroma.
According to the statement signed by Galadiman Kano, Alhaji Abbas Sanusi, his removal and the subsequent appointment of new Ciroma, was in line with teachings of Islam which is the cardinal principles of the emirate.
The statement added that loyalty to a leader by his subjects is one of the values of the Kano Emirate Council, adding that any traditional titleholder in the state that cannot uphold this tradition should either resign or be sacked by the emir.
The statement read in part: “It would be recalled that since the present Emir of Kano Muhammadu Sanusi ll was appointed emir on June 8, 2014, all the council members, district heads and other traditional title holders in the state have registered their loyalty to the current emir except the Ciroma, Alhaji Sanusi Ado Bayero, despite his position as a senior member of the council.”