Day Qadirawa went agog for Kano 65th Waliyyai festival

It will not be entirely wrong if one describes activities in the ancient city of Kano penultimate weekend a mini Arfat as Muslim faithful converged on the ancient city for the 65th edition of the Waliyyai festival which remains the indisputable largest gathering of Muslim Ummah witnessed yearly. Waliyyai is the celebration of the annual […]

Day Qadirawa went agog for Kano 65th Waliyyai festival

It will not be entirely wrong if one describes activities in the ancient city of Kano penultimate weekend a mini Arfat as Muslim faithful converged on the ancient city for the 65th edition of the Waliyyai festival which remains the indisputable largest gathering of Muslim Ummah witnessed yearly.
Waliyyai is the celebration of the annual Moulud festival to commemorate the birth of Sheikh Abdulqadir Al-Jilani (Radhiyallahu Anhu) who founded the Qadiriyya Sect globally in tandem with its origin from one of the four rightly-guided caliphs, Assayidina Aliyu bn Abi Talib (Radhiyallah Anhu) whose chain of lineage and origin relates to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) as in Kitabu Was-Sunnah.
Waliyyai is a week-long religious activities culminating in the final gathering of processions by various mosques and Islamic schools contingents.  Darul Qadiriyya, Nigeria’s headquarters of tariqatul Qadiriyya in conjunction with other notable institutions like Turathul Islam College, Kano simultaneously host the numerous religious activities.
‘It is Waliyyai!’, ‘It is Waliyyai’. This and many other choruses herald the commencement of activities led by Nigeria’s Amirul Al-Ansar and leader of the Movement in Africa, Sheikh (Dr.) Qaribullahi Sheikh Nasiru Kabara who chairs various religious causes in furtherance of teaching the Creator’s monotheism, Sufism, jurisprudence amongst numerous classes of teachings.
A visitor entering Kano city irrespective of the direction one chooses will be welcomed by Islamic flags adorning all electric poles, street lights, public and private buildings proclaiming the event.  This is in addition to beautiful posters of the revered Qadiriyya leader, Sheikh Qaribullah Kabara conveying goodwill messages to him pasted by thousands of his followers, local and foreign.
Qadiriyya Movement and its followers have remained the most peaceful religious organization – in demonstration of the full meaning of Allah’s religion which preaches ‘peace.’   In spite of the insecurity that pervades the world of which Nigeria is not an exception, one hastens to add that adherents of Qadiriyya Sect have continued relentlessly to eschew anything that will portray Islam in bad light. It preaches and practices ‘peaceful co-existence’ amongst Nigeria’s and the global diverse population.
This assertion came to reality when the ever-growing multitude of people gather for this year’s edition scheduled to take place at the ‘Qadiriyya House’ Kano, from within and outside the shores of Nigeria.
This year’s Waliyyai festival buttresses one of the popular Hausa proverbs which say “Kano, ko da me kazo…” The city was literally bursting at the seams with multitude on the processions of mosques, Islamiyya schools contingents and members of the Shu’ara’ul Islam organizations as they trooped endlessly to the venue of the event.
Various leaders of mosques, popularly called muqaddamai, and school heads led their members and pupils reciting Islamic songs and sounding bandir. The students – from Gwauron-Dutse, Koki, Jakara, Kofar Nassarawa, Kurna Asabe, Makwarari and from Kano outskirts – feel spiritually cleansed as they trekked over 10 kilometers to celebrate the annual event.
Glorification of God and Islamic songs remained the order of the day.  One will liken it to the historical opening of the city of Medina when our exalted Prophet Muhammad was received with:  “Dala’al Badru alaina…”
Gidan Qadiriyya which is located in the central part of Kano city accommodated people trooping from Mandawari, Makwarari, Shahuci, Kofar Na’isa and Kofar Waika; thus making Darul Qadiriyya a confluence venue. Members of Qadiriyya Movement and their well-wishers continued to troop to the venue in different outfits differentiating schools and mosques.
This year’s Waliyyai hosted Nigeria’s No. 1 citizen, President Muhammadu Buhari, ably represented by the  Minister of Interior, General Abdurrahman Dambazau and Kano’s charismatic and learned emir in both Islam and western knowledge, HRH Muhammad Sanusi II, who served as father of the day-cum-representative of His Eminence, the Sultan of Sokoto, Dr. Sa’ad Abubakar, and Sarkin Kiyawan Kauran Namoda, while the chief host, Sheikh (Dr.) Qaribullahi Nasiru Kabara was at hand to receive the august guests.
Notable guests in attendance included, Sheikh Muhammad Ajjan Al-Hadeed, leader of Rufa’iyyah of Turkey with his delegation; Al-Sheikh Bara Falilou Mbaki of Senegal; and Speaker of Kano State House of Assembly who stood in for His Excellency, Governor of Kano State, Dr. Abdullahi Umar Ganduje who also holds the revered title of ‘Khadimul Islam.’
Other foreign dignitaries driven by the spirit of Waliyyai include Sheikh Masood Ahmed Raza from the United Kingdom; Sheikh Muhammad Enani from Qatar and Sheikh Safwan Muhammad from Jordan.
The 65th Waliyyai festival was also graced by religious scholars from Southwest Nigeria and other neighboring African countries; members of the business, traditional institution, political and other uncountable power brokers of different social strata.
The leader of Qadiriyya Movement reminded the faithful of the work of Sheikh Abdulqadir Al-Jiyali Waliyullah, of close to a thousand years ago, advocating and practice of Allah’s monotheism, religious guidance and imparting knowledge in strict adherence to the Holy Qur’an and Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).
Sheikh Qaribullah flayed the current spate of insecurity globally and locally notably in Iraq, Yemen, Libya, Syria, Afghanistan, Nigeria and other Muslim-dominated societies.
He urged participants to renew their faith in Allah through constant remembrance of Kalimatush-Shahada which, he said cleanses Muslims’ iman. He also called on Nigerians to pray to Mr. President for successful leadership.
The representative of President Muhammadu Buhari at the occasion, General Abdurrahman Dambazau urged Nigerians to sustain the prayer tempo for Mr. President to deliver the dividend of transparent leadership. He called on all to accommodate one another in spite of our diversity in culture, tribe and religion in the spirit of the current change mantra.
The Amir of Kano, Muhammad Sanusi II, quoted a number of verses of the Qur’an which relate to the position of the ‘saints’ (Auliya’ullahi) to Allah (SWT), warning all to note Allah’s saying: “man Adali Waliyyan, Faqad a-zantumu bil harbi;” urging all to respect the saints of the past, present and future to avoid the wrath of the Almighty. 
This year’s Waliyyai festival like previous occasions witnessed an unprecedented number of foreign visitors notably from the Middle East and neighboring African countries not limited to Sheikh Muhammad Ajjan Al-Hadeed of Ar-Rufa’iyyah Sect in Turkey who capped it all as leader of Darussalam University, Turkey, Sheikh (Dr.) Rhani Al-Ubadi, member of Hayatul Ulama’il Musliminah of Iraq. Others are Al-Sheikh Shehuna Inbaki of Dariqatul Muridiyya, Senegal and many others.
Another interesting feature of the annual Waliyyai festival and Islam in general is accommodation of all tribes in the cause of Dinil Islam and neighborliness regardless of geopolitical location. This was demonstrated when our southwest brothers led by Sheikh Mu’allim Mujtaba Ibrahim Salahuddeen, was called upon to summarize the session in Yoruba language!   
Whether one is a regular participant or first timer, Waliyyai holds the ace in rejuvenating spiritual calling and Sufism. Joy, glamour and ecstasy were few visible features that enliven the over 7 hours occasion!
Jubilating adults, the aged, women in purdah and other classes of weak gender trooped uncontrollably (thanks to excellent crowd management by Nigeria’s security apparatus) to catch a glimpse of the waving and admirable Qadiriyya leader, Sheikh Qaribullah Kabara as he went round the metropolitan city of Kano.  He was intermittently held up to offer prayers to different spots of people until he was ushered back to members of his immediate family at Darul Qadiriyya while chanting Islamic song in praise of Allah for a fulfilled spiritual engagement!
 Sulaiman Muhammad Ayagi, contributed from Central Business District  Abuja – Nigeria [email protected]