Dealing with challenges

You will not be the first to face problems. You will not be the last either. You are also not the only one facing problems right now. Whatever you are going through has been faced or is being faced by someone somewhere. There is nothing new under the sun. People have faced what you are […]

Dealing with challenges
Dealing with challenges

You will not be the first to face problems. You will not be the last either. You are also not the only one facing problems right now. Whatever you are going through has been faced or is being faced by someone somewhere. There is nothing new under the sun. People have faced what you are facing now and have made it through. You are human and as long as you are here on earth, you will encounter situations that will ruffle you. Your faith will be tested to see how strong it is and what it is made off.
Jesus was tempted, Peter was thrown into prison, and Paul was flogged and stoned and left for dead. Some were killed. Abraham and Sarah wrestled with barrenness for 25 years. Daniel was thrown into the lion’s den. Shadrach, Meshack and Abednego were all thrown into the fiery furnace to test their commitment to their faith. Job suffered all kinds of calamities to test his motive for serving and worshipping God.
In the book of Deuteronomy chapter 8 the Bible reveals that Israel was tempted to reveal what was in their heart. Are you serving God for things or you are serving God with things?  Your motive for coming to Christ will be questioned. Are you a miracle hunter or a salvation hunter? Have you come to build a relationship or you have come to look for personal comfort? It is not what you face that matters but how you react to it.
What you are is revealed by pressure. What you are made of will show when you are under attack. The storm reveals the strength of your foundation. The storm reveals your true motive and focus. Conflict reveals your convictions and your convictions determine your conduct.
Those who get disappointed when the unexpected happens are either ignorant or fortune seekers. Job’s faith was deeply rooted in his relationship with God based on his conviction of who God is.

Types of challenges
o Rejection
o Family problems-marital crises, separation and divorce
o Rebellious children
o Financial problems
o Losses
o Back stabbing friends
o Opposition. Attacks and persecution. Men will slander you and abuse you. Javelins will be thrown at you, people will speak ill of you for no just cause. One of the most difficult challenges you will ever face are the contradictions of men; even those that are close to you. Never throw the javelin back; let the Lord handle it. He said vengeance is mine.
3 Things You Need To Survive
1. Revelation. I had a dream that troubled me. I was in an exam with many other people including some I know are illiterate. The place was dark and so we needed some light but the only light available came from small hurricane lamps that were provided. Those who had the light close to themselves were able to fill out the answer sheet that was provided. While I was still trying to read the questions and make sense out of the whole thing, some people had finished and were handing over their papers. A mischievous person came and took the lamp that was close to me and that made things more difficult for me. I began to call out for him to return the lamp to me and he did but I was late in answering my questions. Fortunately, the examiner was patient. He waited for me to continue. I discovered when I read through the questions that there were a few I did not know their answers. I woke up troubled. Just as I was trying to make sense out of the whole thing, the Lord spoke to my heart and said, “You need revelation to be able to pass the tests of life just as you needed the light from that lamp to see what you are doing. You need both internal and external light.” He told me also that you cannot pass a test you have not prepared for just as you did not know the answers to some of the questions on that paper. Those who prepare are not shaken by crisis. Even when they are shaken, they don’t fall. Be rooted and grounded in the word of the Lord so that you can have something to fall back on in the time of crisis. You need a revelation of the faithfulness of God. You need a revelation of the almightiness of God. You need a revelation of not what is going on or why it is happening but how you will get out. He is faithful and kind to provide a way of escape. You need to find out what that way is. It’s reassuring to know that He knows; that He cares and that He is concerned about you. Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil because you are with me; your rod and your staff they comfort me. The Bible says also that God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.
2. Determination. You must be determined to go the distance. You must be determined to win and not quit. You must be determined to outlast your problems. This is only possible if you have revelation. If the enemy can break your will, he can make you fail. Where there is a will, there is a way. Job refused to be broken. He stood firm and God delivered him.
3. Association. You need a shoulder to cry on. You need helping hands. You need wise counsel. The words you hear during the time of trial will either hurt you or heal you and they come from the people around you. The people around you will either raise you or ruin you. Job’s friends made his pain worse. They blamed him for his predicaments and asked him to repent of his sins. What you want to hear when you are down is not how rotten you are but how merciful God is. You want to hear how gracious He is to deliver you from the mess you are in. You want to hear how you can come out. You want some relief and you want it like yesterday! A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in pictures of silver. Caustic tongue is like acid; it makes the wound worse. There are people who leave you worse than they found you. Your support system makes all the difference when you are going through stress. People who have a positive support system recover much faster from a fall. Who are the people around you?
Your mountains will not just move, they will melt before your very eyes. You will not only survive, you will emerge stronger and better from that crisis. I call forth your helpers into your life now, in Jesus name!
Rev (Dr) Olowojoba is Snr. Pastor of Dayspring Bible Church, Sabon-Lugbe, Abuja & President, Dayspring Christian Ministries Int’l. e.mail: [email protected]