Dealing with the other side of ugliness

We get the view of someone really repulsive to look at and on some levels we are right, after all the dictionary defines ugly as… very unattractive or unpleasant to look at or offensive to the sense of sight.Now that we have established that, how about looking at the other aspect of the word; the […]

Dealing with the other side of ugliness
Dealing with the other side of ugliness

We get the view of someone really repulsive to look at and on some levels we are right, after all the dictionary defines ugly as… very unattractive or unpleasant to look at or offensive to the sense of sight.
Now that we have established that, how about looking at the other aspect of the word; the side that has absolutely nothing to do with the physical.
There are various aspects to the human psyche…the physical, the spiritual, the emotional…all these make up the general human and no one aspect can survive on its own, independent of the others.
In the same vein, when one aspect, apart from the physical of course, is “ugly”, it can cause a serious deficiency to the human psyche and this deficiency will always present itself regardless of how the person tries to hide it.
Whenever we come across some persons who are ugly spirit-wise, we may be privy to their envious spirit or the fact that they hate others for no specific cause, or for some other reasons centred on ego or the inability to exercise control or some other warped reason.
These type of people will always want to run the other person down, to make sure that their spirit is so vexed that they question if they are even worthy of anything good or if they are ever going to be better than they currently are.
No one should have to put up with this kind of behaviour but if you are going through this kind of temptation or if you are surrounded by such people; here are ways to deal with it;
Ignore offensive comments and side talks, you may lose your cool if you want to, in order to vent and let all those bad emotions out of your system. But never allow yourself to be dragged into a war of words so to speak or respond in kind to the person(s) who are responsible for you losing your cool in the first place.
Find your faith; it does not matter what you believe in spiritually, in challenging times, seek your faith and find it, pray to your God, be grateful for your life and where you are headed that you will be blessed in all your endeavours.
Forgive and let go; sometimes this is the most difficult because such people can attack anything including your being and your personality and this can be really painful but the best thing you can do for yourself is to move on from that negative situation and forgive those who offended you and just be done with it. Try to make peace, even when  such individual is nasty towards you;still make attempts at peace, it is very important for your well-being.
Be happy; it is quite easy, be yourself earn your living legitimately and take care of yourself, whether it is 500 naira you earn a day. Just do what makes you happy, be free and smile because you know what you want out of your life and you are doing all you can to make that happen and most importantly, you have God standing for you.
Never brag about your accomplishments, leave that responsibility for the lives you touch positively in whatever capacity, it is not only smarter but rare in a world of show and tell.
Eremionkhale contributed this piece from Abuja.