Dear God, please cure our short memories (1)

I wrote two weeks ago about the farce that is going on in Egypt in the name of revolution.  I assured the Egyptians will realize very soon that there are no plans for their poor people to become millionaires.  Same goes for Tunisians, Bahrainis and of course, Libyans.  By the time all this is over, […]

Dear God, please cure our short memories (1)
Dear God, please cure our short memories (1)

I wrote two weeks ago about the farce that is going on in Egypt in the name of revolution.  I assured the Egyptians will realize very soon that there are no plans for their poor people to become millionaires.  Same goes for Tunisians, Bahrainis and of course, Libyans.  By the time all this is over, they will look back and find that in their madness, they have only destroyed all the infrastructure they had.  It would have been great to have a true revolution.  But this time, it was all programmed from the outside, and whoever is in the control room, merely capitalized on the base instincts of the Arabs, and the Muslim world.  While the protests went on in Egypt, it occurred to me to do an article titled ‘The Power of Islam’, because I was amazed at the resilience that the Arabs showed, especially when it was time for prayers during the riots, and they just organized themselves, faced the direction of the Qibla and say their prayers in silence and defiance of all the tanks and ammos.

But now I am not so sure.  It seems as if the defiance and total submission to the will of Allah, the selflessness and total lack of ego embedded in Islam, which makes it more possible for adherents of that religion to come out and stand their position against oppressors and in solidarity, has been manipulated by the superpowers, notably the USA and other western powers, who daily incite the people to topple their governments by giving them all the media coverage.  In the case of Libya, the so-called ‘people power’, which started in Benghazi, was in fact a guerilla operation.  ‘Protesters’ don’t capture territories.  It is only military people who do that.  ‘Protesters’ don’t wear camouflage military fatigue, like the Libyan one I saw on TV.  Protesters express their opinions, even if violently, and then go home.  Protesters do not capture one town and proceed to capture another. We are simply being defrauded, mentally speaking!  If the Americans did not incite, fund, arm, and plan those ‘protests’, there is no way they would have been successful.  Anybody who tries that kind of ‘people’s protest’, without getting the USA on their side, will find out that the ‘protest’ will fail roundly.

By the time this is over, almost the entire Arab world will lay in self-inflicted ruins.  And the chaos will continue for a long time to come.  The west will simply gloat and condescend on them further.  That is what I hate. What makes people like Hillary Clinton think the whole world must toe their whims and caprices?  When will they wipe that lousy smirk off their faces?  Why are they mocking the rest of us?  Why are they creating confusion and chaos all around the world in the name of an overrated concept called democracy?

Looking at it in this manner, what is going on is an attempt by the USA to create a new reality, our reality.  It shows once again that that country is trying to play God in our lives.  By the time this is over, the USA would have established its failed systems of Capitalism and Democracy as the ONLY viable option for any country to copy. This is coming at a time when the world should actually be dumping capitalism (for even the west is no longer practicing that obnoxious concept), and when countries should be thinking about how not to allow democracy (as is being practices in Nigeria), to ruin them as a people!

What do I mean by the discrediting of capitalism and democracy?  It is a well-known fact that countries like Nigeria do not have the elaborate social security systems present in western countries. They take care of their own people but tell us to let ‘market forces’ determine everything.  If they practiced capitalism, they would have allowed all their banks to fail two years ago. Hear me on this; if any people should be rioting, it should be the despondent and hopeless billions living in Western countries. And there are too many of them.  In fact, 90% of Western society consists of people, who just live from hand to mouth, day by day, in the hope that the government will take care of them when they are old.  These are the people who should be rioting.  Because in these Arab societies, like ours, at least an extended family system exists that ensures that brothers take care of brothers.  And in the case of Libya, at least my friend and half-Libyan, Jamal Elbaff, confirmed in his article in 234Next, that the now ‘much-despised’ Ghaddafi government put in place a system whereby NO LIBYAN goes to bed hungry, because in every locality, cooperative societies exist where food is given to every family.

What else is the average Libyan looking for?  Now I will give you an idea of life in European and American life that the Libyans are signing up for, by listening to the Americans and by destroying and allowing mercenaries to destroy their own country. When I lived in England for a year, I remember the stress I went through in getting an apartment to live in. This was a one room which cost me an equivalent of N150,000 per month, even as a student! My neighbour, a poet, whom I shared the bathroom and toilet with, reckoned I was another Nigerian ‘drug dealer’, in his words,  and told me that I shouldn’t bother knocking on his door in case I didn’t see him.  In short, that I should mind my own business He didn’t know that he was talking to a hermit par excellence, for many months went by that he will be the one who will come and knock on my door, in violation of his own principles.  The life was sad.  People didn’t care about their neighbours.  Everybody suffered depression.  The so called prosperity they enjoy is fake, and it is disguised by the illusion that they are better than other people.  Perhaps they will wake up one day.  More on this life next week…

In my view, there is a strategic import to what is going on.  Where is the final destination?  Iran?  China?  If massive ‘protests’ started in China today, infiltrated by US agents, will the world ask their leaders there, who are not democrats but have transformed their country, to leave because the people want to vote?  If it started in Iran today, it will surely be a walkover, since they have (will they?) been able to topple stubborn Ghaddafi.  It is sheer nonsense, especially because at best, the Obama government is only trying to deflect our attention from their own greed and failure.  It is a most evil thing to do; destroying others just to remain on top!