Define yourself and discover your destiny

How do you know when you have finally arrived at the portion of your life you consider your destiny? If you have been so fortunate, was it achieved via a random, but exquisite progression of coincidental events, or did that glorious fate predestined at birth just crystallize magically, requiring no input from you as an […]

Define yourself and discover your destiny
Define yourself and discover your destiny

How do you know when you have finally arrived at the portion of your life you consider your destiny? If you have been so fortunate, was it achieved via a random, but exquisite progression of coincidental events, or did that glorious fate predestined at birth just crystallize magically, requiring no input from you as an individual? Did you dream your destiny and make it a reality? Is destiny coincidence or fate?

Discovering your destiny empowers you to live your best life ever. Consequently, it is only when we accept who and what we are that we can achieve this feat in our lives. True wholeness, joy, peace and prosperity are rooted in knowing who you are. Destiny calls out to each of us in a distinct ways, but the real question is whether you are willing to take up the challenge. Life could be challenging but it does not have to be a stumbling block in you effort to achieve your destiny.  You can find your hidden treasures and make your dreams come through.

Discovering your destiny is like doing a jigsaw puzzle. The puzzle comes from a box that has your name on it, but with a blank space on the lid where you expected to find the completed picture. In fact, the picture on the lid of the box is not really missing. You are supposed to create it yourself. Discover your life purpose from within.

 Only you can discover your destiny. If someone else tells you what your life purpose is, then it cannot be yours! Others can be helpful and provide clues, but only you can find it yourself. Decide that you have a destiny and that you are going to work towards achieving it.

“Everyone has a destiny just waiting to be found and utilized judiciously, but we never really have the time and patience to find our destiny. We always want things done in our own way and at our own time. Most of us are still sleep walking in trying to achieve our destiny but it better late than never. The life most of us live is not true reality, we have to wake up and work towards our destiny which is just lurking around the corner waiting for us to find it” says Jamil Ismail.

 Each of us has greatness that we have to bring out. And as we focus on our life journey, we are given what we need to help us on our way. We give and we get. But many do not even know that they are on a journey with a purpose. Discovering your destiny is a way of travelling, not a destination to be arrived at.

Every moment of our life is designed to help bring out the greatness within us and to move us quickly and easily as possible on our quest to our destiny. No matter where you are in your life, you will be shown the easiest way towards your destiny.

“I am learning more about the importance of discovering who I am and how to achieve my destiny. As days pass by one by one a new chapter emerges in my life; sometimes I feel anxiety and intense excitement with the passing of each minute and at times fear but despite my fear, I truly believe that I am on my way to my destiny” says 24year old Yemisi Adeleke a graduate. Knowing who you are and your purpose in life can help in the long run to achieve your destiny because it is only when you know yourself and what motivates you that you can begin to understand how to reach your destiny.

Everyone has his/her destiny. The question is not ‘do I have a destiny’ but ‘who is going to direct my destiny, my ego or my soul?’. Some people allow their ego to determine and direct their lives, avoiding fears and confrontations, avoiding challenges and change.  When we allow our ego to partake in our destiny, we end up with little growth and much frustration. We feel meaningless and constantly in searching.

Destiny just doesn’t come to you or is just not bestowed on you; one works towards his or her destiny.  Whatever you are facing now is as a result of what we have laid down for yourself. So are you discovering your destiny or do you have an idea of what you are destined to achieve on earth? If not take a good look at yourself and decide on when and how you intend to discover your destiny as everyone has a destiny to achieve.