Deplorable state of Ogwashi Ukwu roads

It is pathetic to note there are no motorable roads in Aniocha-South Local Government Area of Delta State. It is indeed a sad development and we want to draw the attention of the relevant parties to the issue and its resultant effects on the socio-economic life of our people.  Without mincing words, the roads are […]

Deplorable state of Ogwashi Ukwu roads

It is pathetic to note there are no motorable roads in Aniocha-South Local

Government Area of Delta State. It is indeed a sad development and we want to draw the attention of the relevant parties to the issue and its resultant effects on the socio-economic life of our people. 

Without mincing words, the roads are in the area are in terrible condition. The most affected areas are: OgbeUmuokwuni OgbeUbu, St.Roses, Hausa Quarters, High court Ubulu Unor and St. Patricks Catholic Church roads. These areas have been cut off completely from other parts of the town

by gully erosion. The gully has even dug some mini dams in some areas, making it difficult for even pedestrians to traverse. Apart from the heavy rains and erosion, past administrations did not do anything to help the situation. Emissaries were sent and numerous letters were written but all to no avail. We appeal to Governor Ifeanyi Okowa to make history by overhauling our transportation system and rehabilitating the existing death traps called roads.

Feyisetan Akeeb Kareem wrote from Ogwashi Ukwu, Delta State.