Designing a Flexible Organization and Engaging Innovative Ideas for a Competitive Edge 

Every day, leaders can make or break organisations through their actions and decisions; they set the tone for an organisation’s position in any industry. The role of the strategic leader that is innovative and agile cannot be overemphasised for success in a fast-paced and challenging operating context such as that of Nigeria. A creative and […]

Designing a Flexible Organization and Engaging Innovative Ideas for a Competitive Edge 

Every day, leaders can make or break organisations through their actions and decisions; they set the tone for an organisation’s position in any industry. The role of the strategic leader that is innovative and agile cannot be overemphasised for success in a fast-paced and challenging operating context such as that of Nigeria. A creative and strategic leader would assure survival, achieve superlative competitive advantage and drive profitable growth of the company.

Organisational success is a moving target and changing trends such as; new government policies by the recently appointed Nigerian Ministers, depressed customer demand and the fluctuating price of oil in the international markets makes it harder to compete, thus, the need for strategic leadership for results driven change management. Transformation is hard, and a digital one is even harder, but with; competent leadership, relevant and timely capability building, empowered teams, and effective communication, a digital transformation is more likely to succeed.

Every waking day, visionary leaders are trying to figure out how to align strategy with innovation. Leaders need to identify, capture and deliver on great ideas for their organisations to survive, grow and thrive. To develop value-adding products, reshape markets, generate value efficiently, leaders need to create a culture of intrapreneurship. Don’t be left behind, join the business and public sector leaders at TEXEM’s forthcoming training and learn about how to align strategy with innovation and what essential breakthrough concepts that managers should possess to lead digital innovations successfully.

For leaders not to be left in a mediocre space, Texem, UK presents this executive development programme in Lagos on how to be innovative, confident, energised, and develop creative employees inspired by visionary leaders to build game-changing organizations with Aligned Purpose, Performance, and People.

Texem UK brings you this in a training program with world-renowned Professor Rodria Laline. The programme explicitly crafted to help you not only unlock new resources but also aptly harness what you must excel in the fast-paced data-driven global marketplace.

Prof. Rodria Laline is a visiting professor of Harvard, Insead, IESE and Chair of Intrabond capital. Professor Rodria Laline has been CEO of global research and development collaborations with IBM, ING, Hewlett-Packard, Digital Equipment Corporation, Honeywell Bull, Elsevier Science, Oracle Corporation, Siemens and Philips. She was the co-founder of the Global Chipcard Alliance and board member of the Open Software Foundation and developed the intellectual property that is used in every ATM card globally. Professor Rodria founded Intrabond Capital and Intrabond Holdings with offices in San Francisco, Shanghai, Hong Kong and New York.

The two-day executive capital development on  Designing a Flexible Organisation and Engaging Innovative Ideas for a Competitive Edge will take place between 28- 29 August 2019 at Radisson Blu Anchorage Hotel, Victoria Island in Lagos, Nigeria. It is no doubt that there is an urgent need for leaders to innovate and drive new kind of flexibility, which is not covered by conventional organisational wisdom.

The training seeks to cover that by developing a leader’s capacity to be more aware of their team, innovate and to gain the unique ability to harness opportunities from challenges.

Are you a leader that requires fresh insights on how to consistently deliver new products, implement game-changing strategies on innovation and agility? Is your organisation in need of developing a culture of innovation and enhancing her ability to implement problem-solving models to drive innovation? Alternatively, do you want to know how to create and implement successful strategies, align innovation, leadership and strategy; effectively diagnose problems and turn challenges to profitable opportunities? REGISTER HERE as an individual to partake in a value-adding programme with assured return on investment.

Innovation, leadership, and strategy are three essential prerequisites that together steer the organisation towards excellence and being in sync is necessary for a productive working organisation-This is a key competence that this training would empower you with.


Do you want to improve your chances of successfully making digital changes to your organisation? Don’t miss the opportunity of learning from the world’s top Professor of Strategy and innovation who will be applying TEXEM’s tested and proven methodology.

Find your group REGISTRATION HERE.


Participating individuals and organisations will also be shown how to analyse organisational positions for effective governance, building resilience, outperforming the competition, resolving leadership crisis, among others.

Upon completion, delegates will challenge assumptions and learn strategic insights on how to drive innovation and develop tools essential to create, deliver and capture value. Furthermore, via the use of case studies, group discussion and presentations, participants will develop actionable insights on how to create winning strategies, acquire fresh ideas on how to stimulate organisational agility; and become a more effective leader.

Sharing is Caring. You can also INVITE A FRIEND.

Cost:720,000 Naira (save on travel as the programme would be delivered in Nigeria, the price reflects flights, hotel accommodation and an honorarium of world-renowned faculty).

 About Texem

Texem has developed a series of educational programs that address the challenges facing business today, in terms of research, consulting and, specifically for TEXEM, the skills gap within African and UK organisations.



“It’s very insightful and a worthy programme on Leadership and Executive Management. It has opened my eyes to understanding that to be an effective leader, you also have to be an effective follower. I need to surround myself with people better than me and learn from them”. Akeem Muriokunola, Lagos State, Head of Service.


“I’m not surprised because I know the pedigree of TEXEM. The beautiful thing about TEXEM is that they adapt their Training courses to take into Cognisance the Environment in which they operate”. Kolade Aiyelabola, Associate Director, Oak Pensions.


“The programme is an excellent one. It’s a world-class Institute. Looking at the quality of Materials, the quality of the Facilitators, I think it’s a world class programme, it could be anywhere in the world and it’s a good standard”. Glory O. Idehen, Director of E-Training, C.B.N.

To watch a video testimonial, please visit


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