Destiny deliverance and recovery

One of the commonest complaints I hear frequently is that things are not working well or not working at all. Why are things working for some and not working for others? God created everyone to be a star and to shine. The question is why do so many people struggle in life and die without […]

Destiny deliverance and recovery
Destiny deliverance and recovery

One of the commonest complaints I hear frequently is that things are not working well or not working at all. Why are things working for some and not working for others?

God created everyone to be a star and to shine. The question is why do so many people struggle in life and die without ever being known or fulfilled? God promised to give Abraham a great name. We are connected to that promise through redemption. But most believers never end up with a great name and with a great name comes great influence and resources.

How then can one shine and not die unknown? How can one win all the time? How can one make a great impact in life and be remembered long after he or she is gone? How can one find fulfilment in life?

Romans 8:28, “And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.”

What did Abraham, Joseph, David, Daniel and other great people in the Bible do right? What did Apostle Peter, Paul, etc. do right? They discovered, embraced and served divine purpose; they fulfilled divine destiny!

If your destiny is blocked, sold, stolen, jailed or substituted, you will live a life of frustration and deprivation. Your destiny has to be discovered, delivered and recovered.

3 major battles

There are three major battles you will fight as a Christian:

  1. The battle to keep your salvation. The battle to remain as a child of God. Nothing else matters if you cannot remain saved. Satan sends persecution the way of new converts to steal the Word of salvation they have just received. It’s a battle you must win.
  2. The battle of inheritance. This battle is only won by engaging covenant forces of sacrificial giving, planning, smart and studious work, etc. When you become a habitual giver, you begin to enjoy the Abrahamic order of wealth.
  3. The battle of destiny. The battle to enter into your calling and fulfill your divine assignment. This is the place of your pre-eminence where you are crowned as king. There is a throne for every believer. The place where your star begins to shine. Joseph did not get into trouble with his brothers until he started to talk about his place of pre-eminence. He had to first be delivered. The enemy took him through slavery and prison to try and destroy him but he failed. David’s trouble began when he used his anointing to lead his people into victory over Goliath and the Philistines. Like Joseph, and Moses, David became a marked man when he stepped into his assignment. They all had to be first delivered. Their destinies were temporarily placed on hold and needed to be delivered before they could step into their assignments. The completion of your assignment is the devil’s nightmare. Unfortunately, most believers never pay attention to this very important issue.

The book of destiny

There are many books in heaven. Revelations 20:12, “And I saw the dead, small and great, stand before God; and the books were opened: and another book was opened, which is the book of life: and the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books, according to their works.”

You find the same thing in Daniel 7:10

In the volume of the book

Living out of the book of destiny- God’s blueprint for you as an individual

Let us look at three examples

  1. King David. King David wrote that God documented his design in a book (Psalm 139:15-16). God is a great architect who conceived you, decided your purpose, planned you, documented or drew your plan and then created you. Just like the architect, he not only planned your exterior, he planned your interior in detail. He planted some great gifts in you according to his purpose and unleashed you to make a great impact. But this is the tragedy; many have rejected God’s plan out of ignorance and gone after worthless pursuits missing out on God’s best for them!
  2. Apostle Paul. Jesus said concerning Paul; he is a chosen vessel to bear the name of Jesus. Acts 9:15.

Apostle Paul later confirmed this in Galatians 1:15-16. God separated him from his mother’s womb yet for a long time he did not know God until that memorable encounter.

God revealed to Jeremiah something amazing, “Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations.” Jeremiah 1:5. Like an architect, he decided what he wanted to use you for, then designed you and captured you in his book; and proceeded to create you. He worked out every detail until he was satisfied then proceeded to put you in your mother’s womb. Then he brought you out and waited until you were ready to be deployed into service. Your assignment on earth is not your decision; it is your discovery.

  1. The Lord Jesus. Hebrews 10:7-9, “Then said I, Lo, I come (in the volume of the book it is written of me,) to do thy will, O God…” I have come to do your will which is written in the volume of the book.

He confirmed this in Luke 4:17-20 (please read).

His mission on earth was written in books. He found it, pursued and fulfilled it. Your success begins when you locate your book of destiny, retrieve the information in it and begin to operate from it. Failure can only occur when the book of destiny is ignored or what is revealed from it is rejected. For most people it is simply ignored altogether.

Benefits of finding your purpose and living it

All things worked together for Joseph because he served divine purpose. The hatred of his brothers took him to the place of his promotion. Potiphar’s house took him closer. Prison gave him the connection to Pharaoh who promoted him.

  1. All things work together for good for those who embrace and fulfil God’s purpose.
  2. We’ll be richer, happier and more fulfilled.
  3. We’ll make greater impact in the society
  4. We’ll be blessed like Abraham and be a blessing.
  5. And of course we’ll have great names that will open doors in important places.
  6. We can then influence the politics of our nation and other nations.
  7. We will struggle less

Sadly, for many people their destiny is blocked, imprisoned or diverted. Like Joseph, they will need to be delivered. You will not die unfulfilled!

Bishop Dr. Charles Olowojoba is the General Overseer of Dayspring Bible Church Worldwide with HQ in Abuja, Nigeria

& President, Dayspring Christian Ministries Int’l.


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