Determination: The power booster for success

There are many simple things available which have the power to completely transform our lives. They could not only change our life but also have the power to change the lives of others around us. They are some of the initial ingredients for success. One of them is determination. It has been discovered that 95 […]

Determination: The power booster for success
Determination: The power booster for success

There are many simple things available which have the power to completely transform our lives. They could not only change our life but also have the power to change the lives of others around us. They are some of the initial ingredients for success. One of them is determination. It has been discovered that 95 per cent of the people who fail in life mostly lack the strong determination to succeed.

People who succeed in life are not extraordinary. They are as simple as any other human being; however, they are highly determined to achieve their set goals. Determination provides us with a strong force which helps us to conquer our fears. Many talents fail in this world because they do not have the strong determination required for success. It is very difficult to succeed if we do not have determination.

Strong determination could transform a fool into a smart person and a lazy one into a hard worker. It is very difficult to stop people who have strong determination from achieving their goals. They are so aggressive that they can change the flow of fast currents. If a person has determination, then he will learn all the things required for success himself. It is the determination of some sick patients to live that cures diseases like cancer.

Some say it is miracles, but it is actually the determination of that person. Determination plays a major role in all fields of life. It helps us to make our relationships successful, fight injustice and fight the world. We can judge people well if we could judge their determination. The stronger the determination, the more unstoppable is the person who is determined to achieve certain goals in life.

How important is determination and drive for success? Drive is a common characteristic among successful people. The good news is that just like luck and success, drive is a continuum. There are examples of people with minimal drive, but they enjoy what they do and experience great success. On the other end of the spectrum, you find ruthless obsession.

Drive is the one common characteristic among successful people. The one thing that all successful people share is drive and determination.

Drive ranges from enjoyment to ruthless obsession. Drive can range from simply enjoying the path to what folks would consider “a little mad,” meaning a ruthless obsession for results. There are three principles which most successful people stick to in order to achieve set objectives and these include:

The desire for personal power:  One cause of drive is a pursuit of personal power or an extension of their personality.

Enslaved by an idea: Some people become consumed by an idea and their drive is fuelled by the passion of bringing the idea to life.

Determination to finish the job: Some people are fuelled by a passion for finishing what they started. They can’t stand the idea of leaving something half-finished.

You don’t have to change your personality. If you’re not naturally driven, you don’t have to try to change your personality.  Instead, adopt proven success strategies that characterise successful people. Adopt the success strategies of successful people. You can adopt proven strategies such as becoming more single-minded and focused, a strong sense of direction, don’t take no for an answer and become better at saying what you don’t like.

What I’ve learned through experience is that while drive is important, you need to know what you’re trading. For example, try to find a balance between your conviction and your connection, so that you don’t burn bridges or leave a trail of dead bodies in your pursuit of results.  Try to invest in your body, relationships and fun during the pursuit of your goals, so that you can enjoy the process. Goals are a vehicle. They are a means to an end, but not the end themselves. Be careful not to compromise your values along your journey.

Successful people are often very single-minded and determined. Indeed, it would be possible to pick this out as the one characteristic that’s common to almost all successful people. It can take the form of drive: if you want something bad enough, you will get it. It can take the form of ruthlessness: let nothing stand between you and your goal. It can take the form of a strong sense of purpose. It can take the form of determination and persistence: accept failure only as a step on the path to success.

There are many advantages to powerful determination and a strong sense of direction. The sense of direction urges action. The sense of direction shapes the action. The sense of direction allows the value of the action to be assessed. The sense of direction allows all judgments and decisions to be made more easily.

Most people in their ordinary lives lack such a strong sense of value when taking a decision. Most people may have to take into account a soup of different factors such as family, health, enjoyment, career, etc., when making a decision. The strong success-oriented person only takes into account one thing: the path to success.

State of mind means all things. You have to make up your mind to achieve whatever you want. Then support that decision with actions that can help you to achieve what your mind decides. This is what it boils down to: State of Mind = Goals + Actions + Determination = Accomplished Goals.

If you think you can achieve it, you will. If you think you can’t, then you won’t. The two situations are correct; it all depends on which side you fall in.