Dialogue of action

In August 11, 2014, Reuters reported that Americans (U.S.A) need only to look up to Nigeria to calm their fears about an Ebola outbreak in the US. That Ebola virus was attacked as a common enemy in Nigeria shows that Nigerians are resilient and could overcome any challenge that threatens to destroy her existence in […]

Dialogue of action
Dialogue of action

In August 11, 2014, Reuters reported that Americans (U.S.A) need only to look up to Nigeria to calm their fears about an Ebola outbreak in the US. That Ebola virus was attacked as a common enemy in Nigeria shows that Nigerians are resilient and could overcome any challenge that threatens to destroy her existence in Unity. Nigeria survived a civil war to remain one nation. Nigeria has been appraised by the international community for her leadership role in putting an end to the wars in Sierra Leone and Liberia. However, that Nigeria is gradually disintegrating by the threat of Boko Haram, calls for serious examination of our nation’s internal ability and resolve to act in Unity.
Once upon a time, the name Anini, a common thief, became a threat in Bendel State (now Edo and Delta states) of Nigeria, under the military rule. The mere mention of Anini and Osunbo in Benin City would keep people running in chaos. Anini was feared like a demonic ghost. Some believed that he had the power of bi-location. For some he could appear and disappear. He was called “Anini the law” because he was perceived to be above the law. When Anini appeared, the police who were a hundred kilometres away from the scene of Anini’s operation would quickly remove their uniform for fear of being sighted by the “soldiers of Anini” (gang). The Christians, Muslims and Adherents of African Traditional Religion in Bendel State went into prayers for deliverance from the clutches of Anini.
Suddenly, the police and the security apparatus changed their mode of operations. The charm of Anini was discovered to be Iyamu, an inspector of Police of Bendel State. Iyamu supplied the fire arms to Anini’s gang, and was the command and control of Anini’s operation. As soon as Iyamu was identified and arrested, Anini lost his powerful cover and was picked up like a sleeping snail. Wonders shall never end! How do you hope to recover your lost treasure if you ask the same person who stole the treasure to help you search for it?  So many people see the strength of Boko Haram in the light of Anini/Iyamu saga. It is unbelievable that Boko Haram is more sophisticated in arms and intelligence than the Nigerian Army. It could be true that some foreign powers are using the terrorist’s group to make their prediction come true. By way of pulling down Nigeria, these foreign powers had predicted that Nigeria would disintegrate by 2015. This not withstanding, it is also true that this could only happen if Nigerians sell off their nation. It is when the house rat invites the rat in the bush to the house that the bush-rat eats up the food in the house. However, when the wind will blow the tail-feather of the fowl, the colour of its anus will be revealed to the public.  
On November 13, 2014, News Express posted this breaking news: “Hunters recapture Mubi town: Boko fighters on the run.” The news in brief: “Adamawa State governor has confirmed the recapture of Mubi town by local hunters. Boko Haram insurgents took over and occupied Mubi in Adamawa State, which is the second largest town in the state almost two weeks ago.” If hunters with less sophisticated weapons could do this, how come that the Nigerian soldiers would run away leaving their armoured tanks and more sophisticated weapons for the terrorists? This question is left for honest rational Nigerians to answer. It is not clear if these hunters were Muslims or Christians or adherents of traditional religions. If it was all of the above, then, they have executed a dialogue of action.
Dialogue of action is also called dialogue of social engagement. This dialogue is based on the action of people irrespective of religion who come together to promote a common project, concern and development. It is a common action to resist evil, oppression, death from human agents and collaboration in promoting life and human dignity. So many Nigerians believe that the number of people that have been “recruited into” Boko Haram is overwhelming. While it could be true that many were forced to be members, it could also be true that many have enrolled themselves voluntarily as the only means of survival. In the north eastern part of Nigeria, so many people have been displaced from their homes.
People are hungry without any hope to see tomorrow. Hunger and starvation are serious weapons of war. Starvation kills slowly and more painfully than bullets. Is it not possible that some people have run to take refuge in the camps of Boko Haram because they saw helicopter flying into those camps with food? By way of dialogue of action, the Muslims and Christians could come together to satiate the pains induced by hunger to victims who have been displaced by Boko Haram if they cannot do any other dialogue because of the situation in the terrorists empires. It has become obvious that the safety and life of Nigerians in the terrorist’s enclaves have been placed on hold till further notice.
On Tuesday November 11, 2014, I was glued to the television in the afternoon when the president of Nigeria was promising Nigerians: “There shall be no refugees in Nigeria under my watch! No Nigerian shall go on exile under my watch.” I did not know when tears started rolling down my cheeks like the torrents of a normal raining season. The situation in Nigeria with Boko Haram is real and not politics. I thought of the many Nigerians who are already refugees in Cameroon and the neighbouring countries with no hope of ever seeing their homes again. I thought of the many refugee camps in Yobe, Adamawa and many parts of Northern Nigeria! I asked myself, “is the promise of the president apocalyptic? Is this promise for the world hereafter? Suppose Nigeria is extinct before 2015! Can this magic promised by the president take effect and reintegrate the captured Nigerians back to Nigeria? Where are the Chibok girls? Even as the president makes his promises, students killed by suicide bombers on Monday November 10, 2014 were lying in cold blood in Potiskum, Yobe Sate of Nigeria. How are we sure that by 2015, Nigeria would not be renamed, “The Islamic Caliphate of Boko Haram.”
The true Muslim practitioners would not be happy with the Boko Haram brand of Islam. I wonder if they will even be happy in the new Caliphate! The Christians would feel terrible because their existence would be reduced to converted victims. If we do not want this to happen, this is the time for Christians and Muslims to come together in the form of dialogue of action to prove that Boko Haram is not an Islamic religious agenda to install some inhuman and greedy politicians who claim to be Muslims and fighting the course of Islam. It has become difficult for some people who believe in dialogue to convince anybody that dialogue is still possible in the present circumstances. This is the time for lovers of dialogue to prove to the world that the terrorists are enemies of Islam and of Nigerian unity. This is the time for politicians to prove that Boko Haram is not their hidden agenda to make the country ungovernable. This is the time for dialogue of action to make Nigeria governable.
Fr. Prof. Cornelius Afebu Omonokhua is the Director of Mission and Dialogue of the Catholic Secretariat of Nigeria, Abuja and Consultor for the Commission for Religious Relations with Muslims (C.R.R.M), Vatican City ([email protected]).