Different day, same old argument!

Many of us have the habit of repeatedly replaying arguments we have had with people some time back or even in our minds. Our memories of past disputes never seem to fade and we often recall them from beginning to end with perfect accuracy as if it just happened a minute ago. There are times […]

Different day, same old argument!

Different day, same old argument!

Many of us have the habit of repeatedly replaying arguments we have had with people some time back or even in our minds. Our memories of past disputes never seem to fade and we often recall them from beginning to end with perfect accuracy as if it just happened a minute ago.

There are times when we have an argument and it just clicks that we have had this same annoying and unnecessary fight and argument sometime in the past.

Women have a great tendency to remember details of events that took place years back and will often bring up these details in every opportunity they have when having an argument to either hurt the other or to prove a point. Most have argued that they bring up these past events to be able to remind their partner that they are still hurting from the last argument and most times to drive home a point that they are humans. Well, if you ask me, repeating arguments does not necessarily mean you will win that round of fight as arguments are not meant to be a competition to distinguish a winner and a loser but are meant to be settled and remain settled and in the past.

If you find yourself repeating an argument more than often, it only means you are still grudging up past events that can be repeated years from now. But, then we fail to realize that the past can never be changed and it will always be there. Whatever happened in the past is history and should remain as one. Repeating it will only make you hurt and grieve more over the pains and trauma it will cause you. Have you ever stopped to pause, when you find yourself arguing and the person you are arguing with is not just listening? Why? Because he is probably used to the same old lines and can even replay it word for word in his mind as you speak. He has heard it all before and there is nothing new to be said or heard.

Issues are sometimes resolved with arguments but if this argument has been discussed numerous times, then you can be sure your repeated arguments will definitely fall on silent ears and will not make any impact because after a while the repeated words or arguments become annoying and irritating to the ears. To stop repeating yourself and stop the crisis in the relationship you must learn to forget past issues and arguments. You are the only one that can decide to stop repeating yourself in arguments because after a while you become frustrated that you are arguing over and over again about the same thing but no one is listening. When you find yourself bringing up arguments that have long been dissipated and is now in the archives, the repetition will not help you, neither will it stop until you choose to let it go and move on with life. We must have one time in our lives fallen victims of these repeated arguments. When this happens, more often than not the conclusion will be the same because the facts of the past events have not been changed. Learn to forget past arguments and move on to a better and understandable relationship in life. You can learn from your past mistakes but do not rehearse an argument that may have resulted from past actions or behaviours that cannot be changed.