Different ways of spicing up relationships

Maintaining a relationship is hard work. This is because it requires communication, an open mind, and time to grow. There are times couples realize that they have been missing out on the old things that brought them both together in the first place. There are a few things that can be done to put the […]

Different ways of spicing up relationships

Maintaining a relationship is hard work. This is because it requires communication, an open mind, and time to grow. There are times couples realize that they have been missing out on the old things that brought them both together in the first place.

There are a few things that can be done to put the spark back and discover what has been missing or what needs to be incorporated to infuse life in the relationship. Sometimes, it could be as little as daily love text messages, eating out, relaxing together or doing some fun and creative activities together. 

To prevent the flame from dying out, a lot of people have done different things to keep it burning. LifeXtra sought to know some of the things people did, thus we asked them to share their stories with us.

Vanessa Okeke, a married youth corps member, said “I spice up my relationship by always looking for activities to do together. It could be something as simple as taking a 20-minute walk once or twice in a month. In fact, on some occasions, we go window shopping together. Sometimes we do the window shopping together on the laptop.” 

“The good thing is we are both adventurous people so we plan affordable trips together to places we’ve never been before or do things we’ve never done. We have never been on a train before so when Abuja train started, we bought tickets to Kaduna just to experience it.”

David Psalmist Odiase, a creative writer, said it depends more on the purpose of the relationship. “An intimate one requires intimacy in expression and action. What defines the needs of a relationship boils down to its purpose and expectations, so in trying to improve or rebuild it, those things should be put into consideration.”

Abduljalil Umar, an unemployed graduate, opines that consistent communication and sharing ideas on how to improve your relationship helps.

A mother of one who didn’t want her name mentioned told LifeXtra that she and her husband always take time out alone by travelling outside their base for vacations. “At other times while returning from work, I’ll call him and tell him to meet me at a certain place where we would just relax and then have some ‘alone-time’ before we go back home.”

She added that they also go to the movies together, shopping and even cook together. “I love writing while he loves singing so when we are alone I write a poem and read to him or place it beside his head and then sometimes he sings to me.”

An article titled “13 ways to keep the thrill in your relationship” by Elizabeth Lombardo Ph.D. stated “Whether you have been together for a few months or for decades, it is important to take steps to maintain some spark in your relationship. Some consistency can be nice in a relationship, but variation from the everyday routine is important to make things more fun. If you are in a monogamous relationship, that variety needs to come from within your partnership.”