Dining on the Savannah with African cuisine

Traditional cuisine The food in Africa became the cuisine it is today thanks to the availability of the local fruits, vegetables, meat and grains. Green vegetables are the main source of vitamins and are included in most meals in Africa. The greens are often picked when they are very young. They are washed and cut […]

Dining on the Savannah with African cuisine
Dining on the Savannah with African cuisine

Traditional cuisine

The food in Africa became the cuisine it is today thanks to the availability of the local fruits, vegetables, meat and grains. Green vegetables are the main source of vitamins and are included in most meals in Africa. The greens are often picked when they are very young. They are washed and cut up and are boiled with other vegetables and spices. While there are some common ingredients in the many different countries, each one has their own specific style and types of foods.

Exotic flavours of East Africa

East Africa is the home of the people who raise cattle. In early days, sheep, goats, and cattle were seen as forms of currency and were often not eaten. Instead, the animal might be given to the father of a bride or the widow of a warrior. Foods that are commonly eaten in East Africa include corn, rice, curries, lentils, pickles, and other exotic flavours. When meat is cooked, it is often roasted or cooked into a nourishing stew.

Aroma of the Arabian dishes of North Africa

North African cuisine is rich with spices that came from the Arabs. Things like nutmeg, ginger, cloves, and saffron are found in a number of the dishes that are made in North Africa. Couscous was brought to the inhabitants of North Africa thanks to the Berbers, and quickly became a main staple of daily living.

Dishes of West Africa

West African cuisine is known to be heavy and filled with starchy ingredients. There is also a lot of fat included in the dishes that come from West Africa. Some of the common ingredients in the countries in West Africa include cinnamon, potatoes, yams, cassava, plantains, citrus fruits, and pineapples. Many of the dishes are either roasted, boiled or fried, and the root vegetables are often mashed. Fish is served frequently in West Africa. Some of it is dried, other times it is cooked fresh in olive oil.

Beverages of Southern Africa

Southern African cuisine has been changed by the number of immigrants that have migrated to the countries. Curries and chutneys are eaten frequently, as are kebobs and fish stews. Seafood is used heavily and wild game is eaten often as well. European beers are available to drink, as are more fruit beverages made from the local citrus population.

Starchy Central Africa dishes

The cuisine in Central Africa is filled with starchy foods, grilled meat and tons of different sauces. Chicken is a popular meat, so is crocodile, antelope, warthog and monkey. It is said that the most traditional type of African cuisine can be found in Central Africa, as not many people migrated there until only recently.

Culled from: www.foodtourism.com