Distraction major setback in photography business, Alhassan

Eugene Alhassan Bright, 31, once attempted to reach Europe through Libya but returned after a failed attempt. In this interview, the trained photographer says he is doing better with Bright Photos, a venture he started after his return.   You were among the Libyan returnees; how do you feel about this? Although I am a […]

Distraction major setback in photography business, Alhassan

Eugene Alhassan Bright

Eugene Alhassan Bright, 31, once attempted to reach Europe through Libya but returned after a failed attempt. In this interview, the trained photographer says he is doing better with Bright Photos, a venture he started after his return.


You were among the Libyan returnees; how do you feel about this?

Although I am a trained photographer, I travelled to Libya for greener pastures in March 2016 with the hope to come back as a rich person but it didn’t work for me, so I had to return to Nigeria when I had the opportunity. I returned in January 2018, empty handed.

Why did you travel when you had a photo studio?

I have a photo studio and I was doing well on the business but my friend who travelled to Italy kept telling me I would make it big over there, so I sold my property and embarked on the journey to Europe through Libya.

How were you able to set up your photography business?

I have established a photo studio (Bright Photos) again with the help of the International Organisation for Migration (IOM). After my return, IOM invited me for business training and after the training, I submitted my business proposal alongside others and I got empowered.

I am also a member of IOM “migrant as messengers” a group of volunteers that now move round schools, markets, communities, to sensitise potential migrants. I am also engaged by the organisation to do multimedia tasks for them.

What would you say about the venture so far?

It has been good; I am good at business. My only regret is that I abandoned my business for greener pastures abroad. If I had stayed back, I would have achieved more by now if not for that distraction. Well, the business is good!

Is there any setback in the business?

No, for now but distraction is a major setback in the business. If you want to succeed, don’t allow people to distract you. I allow people to distract me with greener pastures movement. I was doing well back then but when they sold the idea of making it big in Europe to me, I got into it. So, distraction is a major setback in business.

What is your message to youths?

It is not only in Europe one can make it; you can also make it in Nigeria but you have to be very focused because focus is the key to success in any business. I will advise the youths to learn a skill because that is the only way to conquer unemployment.

My appeal to the government is to create an enabling environment for business to thrive. The money one spends on generators to power business is too much and it is the biggest challenge to small and medium scale Enterprises (SMEs).