Division created by Trump would go away in America

The United States had witnessed one of the assaults on its democracy by the white supremacy supporters of the President Trump occupying the congress by force when it was in a session certifying the 2020 Presidential results and was beamed across the world. President Trump has been preaching a complicated theory that there were election […]

Division created by Trump would go away in America

Donald Trump

The United States had witnessed one of the assaults on its democracy by the white supremacy supporters of the President Trump occupying the congress by force when it was in a session certifying the 2020 Presidential results and was beamed across the world.

President Trump has been preaching a complicated theory that there were election frauds in key battle states, Georgia, Wisconsin even when the results were announced and certified by the states.

The Republican Party and key Republicans both in the congress and the Government knew very well that, President Trump would not just go away without a fight. He tried the courts and failed; he tried to stop the certification of the state electors and failed and this was the last resort to stop the certification of the elections in the congress.

In spite of all the odds, the U.S Congress was secured and the congress went ahead to certify the victory of the President elect, Biden. Vice President Pence and the Republican Majority Leader Senator MacDonnell defied President Trump for the first time in four years and stood by the truth and the people.

Although the world leaders expressed “concern” about the political crisis in Washington but at the same time expressed their faith in the U.S democracy. I respectfully disagree because seeds of disunity have been sown by President Trump. Biden would become president on January, 20, 2021 but he would face the discontent of the far white right who would still see him as an illegitimate president and his authority may be questioned.

On the other hand, the black supporters of the ‘Black Life Matter’ believed that they were treated differently when they came to protest in the congress last year and saw that Trump supporters were treated softly.

No matter what the Republican Party leaders and President Biden do in the next four years, the inequality in the U.S would remain and his presidency would be subjected to scrutiny by the far right in the Republican Party and above all, the prestige and influence of the United States internationally would wane gradually.

The U.S leaders including the Republicans must do more to regain their people’s confidence by doing justice to all manners of the people irrespective of colour or religion.

What remains to be seen is how the U.S leaders would in the next couple of the days heal the wound created by Donald Trump, 45th President of the United States. The lessons learnt from occupation of the congress by the white far right by the African leaders were that, in spite of the elections imperfection in Africa, none of its leaders ever encouraged the occupation of the state’s institutions because he lost the elections. Coming of President Donald Trump to Power in 2016 has helped to expose the American political weaknesses which sometimes were overrated.

Ambassador Zannah Muhammad writes from Abuja.