Do children appreciate parents’ sacrifices?

In an effort to give our children the best of life, we, as parents tend to forsake a lot of things. Many parents have given up the luxuries of life so that their children can be comfortable among their peers. But how appreciative are some of these children? Last weekend at an event,a couple lamented […]

Do children appreciate parents’ sacrifices?
Do children appreciate parents’ sacrifices?

In an effort to give our children the best of life, we, as parents tend to forsake a lot of things. Many parents have given up the luxuries of life so that their children can be comfortable among their peers. But how appreciative are some of these children?
Last weekend at an event,a couple lamented the way their elder children have become ashamed of them because they have not matched the standards of their friends’ parents: “We sacrificed all to send our children to private school because we wanted the best in terms of education for them. But our elder children seem not to appreciate us as they always as lament why we don’t have a car and enjoy the luxuries of life. They tend to be ashamed of us when we come to their school because we don’t appear rich like the parents of other children. This is worrisome. How should we handle this?”
Richard Abbey, a 30-year-old engineer, says children whose parents give up everything for their future should learn to be grateful: “Let them know that you are not living an extravagant live today and not driving a car because you want the best for them. If you drive a car and live lavishly, they will not be in a private school, rather they will be in a cheaper school.”
YinkaAbiola, a 35-year-old PR consultant, says opines that: “Expensive schools don’t make children super-intelligent; most times they end up lazy and arrogant, which people now mistake for confidence. I think that is the arrogance the children are already exhibiting. They should also know why you are making the sacrifice for their future. They need to understand that love and sacrifice from parents is what any child needs to succeed in life.”
Most kids today seem to be towing this line of wanting their parents to be like other parents that display extravagance. A friend’s kid told her she needed to buy a jeep so that she would use it to take them to school because all their friends’ mothers bring them to school in jeeps. When children begin to grow with such notions, it becomes difficult for them to see the realities of life.
Hadiza Ibrahim, a 43-year-old school principal, says: “Ask your children if you should buy a car and withdraw them from their private school and enroll them in a public school. Tell them their school fees wouldn’t allow you buy a car and you cherish their future more than a car. Tell them you want their voices to be heard in the society and that is why you didn’t choose to buy a car.”
Children will always be children; if you buy a car now after some time they will want it to be changed to a bigger one. Console yourself by knowing that you are giving them the best. On the other hand teach them to be content with what God has blessed them with.
Having a car or not wouldn’t change the love you have for them. Talk to them and hear what they say. You don’t have to look rich. Just make sure you dress decently and really cute when taking them to school. Begin to teach them not to envy anyone in life. The earlier they realisethis, the better, so that they can overcome the cruelties of life. They need to learn to be proud of themselves and most importantly, their parents no matter what. Teach them that contentment is critical in life.
Remind them that mummy and daddy love them dearly and for the sake of that love decided to forsake all the vanities of life for them. Also, take note of the kind of friends they keep, they might be the problem. Remember how easy it is for children to fall to pressure from friends.
Let them know they should never use other people’s material success as a yardstick to measure theirs.  Asides this, don’t worry about that with time they will thank and appreciate you for giving them the best. Any parent willing to sacrifice all for their children is worthy of praise. On this basis, every child should as a priority, appreciate parents’ sacrifices in their lives as they are the ultimate.