Do right even when it’s hard!

The Oxford Dictionary defines integrity as, “firm adherence to a code of especially moral or artistic values; an unimpaired condition; the quality or state of being complete or undivided.” Integrity is also a state of being whole; an adherence to moral and ethical principles or honesty. The ability to do what is right when no […]

Do right even when it’s hard!
Do right even when it’s hard!

The Oxford Dictionary defines integrity as, “firm adherence to a code of especially moral or artistic values; an unimpaired condition; the quality or state of being complete or undivided.” Integrity is also a state of being whole; an adherence to moral and ethical principles or honesty.

The ability to do what is right when no one is looking, to live in truth at all times, even if it hurts are essential qualities that everybody should possess and exhibit.

For Caleb Kale, “Sticking to your guns and what you believe in when others decide to look the other direction is not an easy situation to deal with. I have been in a situation where we had agreed on a decision at work to ask for pay rise for menial staff. When we put it before the boss with the rest of my colleagues, two others withdrew and said they knew nothing about it when the boss began accusing us of having secret meetings to take over his company. Luckily for us, he had a rethink about the issue and decided to implement our suggestion. I was scared I would lose my job, but I guess standing up for the truth paid in the end.”

“Well I cannot say I do what is right even when I know it is what I should do,” said Ike Ezewayin. “I found that it is sometimes safer to go with the crowd and make amends later on. Working in the civil service as I do, I have seen that you cannot be too outspoken lest you get into too many black books and step on a lot of toes. If you have one or two senior officers who have a sense of reasoning, you can go to them later and let them know your views on the issue. Speaking out differently from the crowd here is like putting a noose around your neck.”

Agreed that situations could at times pose a lot of difficulty for one to stick his head out and openly express a different opinion; the question is, is it worth sticking to a lie and going against your principles and personal ethics?

“Who says people have ethics and principles that guide their thoughts and behaviours these days?” asked Clara Ayomide. “Most people opt for the easier way out whether it is the wrong choice or not, as long as it conforms to what is societal and acceptable, it is okay. People these days do not care about the repercaution on the long run when they fail to do the right thing even when the odds are against them.”

Is sticking with the crowd in order to be in their good books or gain their favour worth trading   your integrity away? This is a dilemma we encounter on an almost daily basis and something we ought to give some serious thinking to.

Going by   Kale’s experience, it is not all the time you end up victorious when you go with your beliefs. Being victorious in the end should not be the motivation, rather, the truth and reality at hand should be. Imagine if you were in the shoes of his other colleagues who backed out when it seemed like hell was going to break loose. How would you face him now that all has ended well?

Every action, every reaction and response, every decision and choice really does matter in the long run. Do what is right no matter how hard the odds are against you, you never know who’s watching what you do. It can only do you a good turn.