Do you appreciate what you have?

These days, many adults especially women do not appreciate what they have. They see the other side as greener as and better than their present situation. Yet, it is more beneficial for women to dwell on the positive things that life has offered them. Too often, we spend a lot of time reaching for more, […]

Do you appreciate what you have?
Do you appreciate what you have?

These days, many adults especially women do not appreciate what they have. They see the other side as greener as and better than their present situation. Yet, it is more beneficial for women to dwell on the positive things that life has offered them. Too often, we spend a lot of time reaching for more, reaching for something better and not having time to pause to appreciate what we have.

Many of us do not show gratitude for whatever happens in our life, thereby taking every positive thing that happens to us for granted. We would not realise how important that thing was to us until we lose it. We can be surrounded by all the good things of this world, but unless we are able to appreciate them, they mean nothing thus we have nothing. This simply means that we can be materially rich but emotionally poor.

Most women are said to be self centred, full of pride and do not appreciate other things or other people, until they are no more. Most times, we are surrounded by cranky, unsatisfied people who do not appreciate what is right in front of them. We have an obligation to let these kind of people know that complaining does not make one smarter or sophisticated, it just makes one feel bitter or difficult. Instead they should take a moment to be grateful for who they are and what they have.  Appreciating the things around us makes life easier and complete.

Let us start appreciating who we are and what we have, no matter the exact situation of your life, we all face disappointments at some point. During these periods of adversity, we may get so caught up in these negative situations that we find ourselves not appreciating the more positive aspects of our lives. Rather than let the bad things of life get you down, it is better to focus on the positive instead. When you are appreciative, you become bigger and stronger than the obstacles that face you and you then find out that you will enjoy all aspects of your life.

One should not ignore the fact that there are many incidents in life that are worth appreciating, at least not at first glance. Some unfortunate events tend to serve bigger and better purposes. It depends on the way you look at it, if you look carefully enough, you will see the gift of everyone and everything around you, even if it is learning to be more forgiving and kind.

According to Doctor Childre and Howard Martin, “you will never get peace and inner security without first acknowledging all of the good things in your life. If you are forever wanting and longing for more without first appreciating things the way they are, you will always stay in discord.”

Take time to count your blessings, to say thank you and express gratitude to those you treasure and value in your life. Being appreciated and appreciating others can relieve stress. Acknowledge people, places and events in your life. There is a saying which goes: enjoy the little things in life, for one day you may look back and realize that they were the big things that mattered.

If we learn to appreciate what we have in life, it can empower us to think about what we have done to get this far. Show gratitude for what you have. For example no matter how difficult the day may be, be grateful, that at least, you saw that day and you are sound and healthy. Some people do not appreciate what they have and so life has a funny way of taking things away from them in other to make them grateful.

Life has a way of stripping us of those things that we are not grateful for. If you want to receive greater and bigger blessings, you have to recognise the current blessing that you have now. Live each day in the spirit of gratitude and you will have a much fulfilled life. Show contentment. Contentment is not the fulfilment of what you want, but the realization of how much you already have.

Appreciate life. Life is a gift which can be taken from us at any time. We need to learn how to appreciate everything in life and learn how not to take people for granted and be thankful for everything that happens in our life, be it good or bad. As they say, in every disappointment there is a blessing.