Do you believe in love at first sight?

Ana and Halil met for the first time at a friend’s wedding party. Across the crowded room, their eyes met. A week later, they became inseparable and he eventually told her how much he loved her. Four months later, they got married. Halil told his friends and family how he fell in love with Ana […]

Do you believe in love at first sight?
Do you believe in love at first sight?

Ana and Halil met for the first time at a friend’s wedding party. Across the crowded room, their eyes met. A week later, they became inseparable and he eventually told her how much he loved her. Four months later, they got married. Halil told his friends and family how he fell in love with Ana the very day he saw her and how attracted he was to her. Ana said what she felt at that moment was ‘love at first sight.’
Such scenarios have become the storyline of most movies we watch every day but the question is: “does this really happen outside movies?” Love is an emotion and a feeling. But it can be deceptive too. What then is ‘Love at first sight’? Wikipedia defines love at first sight as “a personal experience in which a person feels an instant, extreme, and ultimately long-lasting romantic attraction for a stranger on the first sight of them.”
Because of the controversies and varying opinions of people concerning this topic, Life Xtra sought to know what people think and how they feel about it.
Adedayo Adeyemi Agarau, a student in his early 20s, said: “I don’t believe in love at first sight. What happens at a first meeting is a possible connection on which love can be built. Oftentimes, we meet people and a spark starts in our heart.  What mostly happens with some people is vulnerability. Most people are vulnerable to letting themselves into love, but for me when I have a crush or think there is a possible connection between me and someone; I let it build either by talking or getting close to the person.”
For Joy Ajuma Shaibu, an investment banker, who is also into music and fashion consulting, the issue is a bit tricky. “I don’t believe in love at first sight although people claim it exists. I believe in attraction at first sight and over time it grows to love,” she said.
“I also believe in ‘lust at first sight’ but this does not mean I approve of it. But I believe ‘lust at first sight’ exists a lot. I am not an advocate for love at first sight and I sincerely don’t believe in its existence,” Joy added.
Aimee Boyle in an article titled ‘Love at First Sight; The Myth, The Magic, The Meaning,’ states that: “The intensity of falling in love at first sight can conjure a sense of spirituality; a sense that you have touched the divine, have found a spark of the essence of love and the meaning of your life on earth. No matter what your experience, love at first sight can and does occur and can be one of the most confusing, exhilarating and sacred experiences possible.”
Concurring with Boyle, Giwa Kindi Sadear, a lawyer and mother of one, after laughing about the question, said: “The reason why I laughed is because my husband and I fell in love the first day we met. And I tell you that marrying him is one of the best decisions I’ve ever made.”
She added that: “Though we were family friends, we never met. I didn’t even know he existed. We spoke over the phone a few times and today we are happily married with a daughter. Love has no specific time or place to be found.”