Doctors offer free treatment to 54,000 Jigawa pregnant women

The Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF), also known as Doctors Without Borders have rendered a free medical treatment to 54,000 pregnant women on child birth related cases in the last 10 years in Jigawa state. This was contained in a statement by the international donor agency adding that the feat was achieved in collaboration with Jigawa […]

Doctors offer free treatment to 54,000 Jigawa pregnant women

The Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF), also known as Doctors Without Borders have rendered a free medical treatment to 54,000 pregnant women on child birth related cases in the last 10 years in Jigawa state.

This was contained in a statement by the international donor agency adding that the feat was achieved in collaboration with Jigawa state ministry of health.

The statement stated that provision of emergency obstetrics and neonatal care aided in reducing maternal and neonatal mortality in the State.

“MSF provides surgery to repair obstetric fistula, a consequence of prolonged, obstructed labour and offers physiotherapy and psychosocial support on an average of 22 surgeries each month.