DogeMiyagi, Dogecoin And Shiba Inu Underline Value Of Memes In Crypto

Meme-based cryptocurrencies have gained immense popularity, but what is the secret behind their success? DogeMiyagi and similar projects are here to provide the answers.   Memes have become the staple of internet humour and have streamed into cryptocurrency with the explosion of the meme coin market. Far from being nonsensical, they’ve brought value, humour, purpose […]

DogeMiyagi, Dogecoin And Shiba Inu Underline Value Of Memes In Crypto

Meme-based cryptocurrencies have gained immense popularity, but what is the secret behind their success? DogeMiyagi and similar projects are here to provide the answers.


Memes have become the staple of internet humour and have streamed into cryptocurrency with the explosion of the meme coin market. Far from being nonsensical, they’ve brought value, humour, purpose and awareness to the industry with cryptos like Dogecoin (DOGE) and Shiba Inu (SHIB) embodying their value. Now, DogeMiyagi (MIYAGI) has burst onto the scene with the innovative retelling of a much-loved film franchise from the eighties.


Dogecoin Started Off The Entire Meme Coin Market

The genesis of the meme coin market speaks to the lightheartedness of the entire thing. It began with Dogecoin as a parody of Bitcoin as it was coined without any serious intentions.


But today it’s worth hundreds of billions of dollars and sits with the largest cryptocurrencies and has considerable appeal and success. Utilising a dog meme, it harnesses its meme identity to construct a platform with a playful and fun atmosphere that has been sustained by a powerful community.


On top of this, Dogecoin has received serious support in endorsements from Twitter owner Elon Musk. He has been a consistent advocate of it, and regularly tweeted it, triggering mass price spikes. Many have speculated that, following Musk’s purchase of Twitter, Dogecoin’s value could hit the stratosphere if it was eventually integrated into Twitter with many speculating that Musk is looking to do this.


Whether that happens is speculation based on trying to forecast the unpredictable moves of a man like Elon Musk. But for those who like crypto and love dogs, Dogecoin stands as an appealing prospect that allows people to have fun and get rich.

Shiba Inu Is A Great Dog Meme Crypto Alternative

Have you ever visited a dog shelter and found it difficult to choose which dog to adopt The dilemma faced by people in the realm of cryptocurrency is similar, as both $DOGE and its competitor, Shiba Inu (SHIB), known as the ‘Dogecoin Killer,’ present enticing options for meme coin investments.


It’s not hard to guess which dog breed Shiba Inu is based on. Like Dogecoin, it has the ability to influence market behaviour by projecting itself as a friendly, inclusive, and enjoyable token. This is the primary appeal of meme coins—they are lighthearted, warm and places where people coalesce together into communities.  The idea of a community of dog-loving crypto investors holds a certain charm, and that is precisely what Shiba Inu aims to achieve, contributing to its impressive performance in the cryptocurrency market.


On top of this, Shiba Inu’s recently-unveiled Shibarium is a fascinating layer-2 upgrade that improves the speed of its transactions at a lower cost, meaning that those using the $SHIB are now enjoying a more optimised version of the fun dog meme coin.


DogeMiyagi Is A Call Back To An Iconic Martial Arts Film

The presale crypto DogeMiyagi weaves the past with the present, nostalgia with modernity, better than any other cryptocurrency could ever hope to do so. What do you get when you take the much-loved Mr Miyagi from the critically-acclaimed Karate Kid films and fuse it with the contemporary internet humour of memes? You get DogeMiyagi, the martial arts crypto dog.


In that sense, DogeMiyagi separates itself from other meme coins. Yes technically it’s a dog coin but that isn’t where it derives the essence of its identity from. Beyond that, there’s something about it that speaks to it being the crypto coin for a particular generation of investors. Yes, the Gen-Z investors will certainly still find something in it, but those who grew up with the Karate Kid films are likely to find a deeper attachment to it, at least through that connection to Mr Miyagi, the great teacher we never had.


Its platform isn’t just nostalgia but offers an exciting and innovative use of NFTs that underlines the makings of an ecosystem which could capture the interests of more investors with it currently in the early stages of a very exciting presale.



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