Don’t compromise FRSC’s recruitment exercise

Although there were some few reported cases of death in some recruitment centres of Federal Road Safety Commission (FRSC) which I hope all necessary measures will be taken by concerned officials to prevent this unfortunate occurrence in the future. But, despite this shortcoming of the recruitment exercise, I must acknowledge the fact that it quite […]

Don’t compromise FRSC’s recruitment exercise

FILE PHOTO: Applicants during the Federal Road Safety Commission’s recruitment exercise at the Prison Staff College in Kaduna in 2018.

Although there were some few reported cases of death in some recruitment centres of Federal Road Safety Commission (FRSC) which I hope all necessary measures will be taken by concerned officials to prevent this unfortunate occurrence in the future. But, despite this shortcoming of the recruitment exercise, I must acknowledge the fact that it quite pleases me the way the Corps Marshal of Federal Road Safety Commission (FRSC) remains determinedly committed in ensuring success of the current recruitment exercise.

Certainly, based on actions that we are currently seeing, at the end of the recruitment exercise, it’s our wish that, it will be impartial and fair to all prospective candidates. Even though in many cases, at the beginning of a recruitment processes, exact laws guiding recruitment procedures will be applied, but afterwards, it’s unfortunate to note that, in the final stage, the unimpaired process will be compromised when it comes to final selection. In the light of happenings that accompanied some series of previous recruitments we witnessed in the past, one must feel the urge to caution FRSC’s Corps Marshal and its officials that, some unforeseen forces might be somewhere waiting for the final stage of enlistment to smuggle into the final list strange people that never participated in the initial processes.

As a person who is deeply conversant with subsequent series of instances that used to accompany numerous job interviews and recruitment exercises in most organizations, I have every reason at my disposal to urge all people of different positions to let rules and principles of the FRSC and other concerned agencies like Federal Character Commission, to determine successful candidates. Even though I must admit that, in some rare occasions, heads of organizations may at the initial stage remain steadfast to the course of fairness, but mostly, when the need to grant favour to people from higher positions arises, as subordinates to those people, and for them not to give room for any threat to haunt their respective seats, they always used to compromise their stand.

Additionally, despite these series of occasional compromise of recruitment process, it’s interesting to note that, as we are all aware, here in Nigeria, recruitment is generally restrictively guided by some clearly spelt out laws, and guide lines governing its procedures. Consequently, we expect the present FRSC’s Corps Marshal to against all odds maintain his current commitment to these laws. This call becomes necessary, because, in most occurrences, series of job screenings and interviews will be conducted in this country, but thereafter, after some individuals endure all hardships of that procedural processes, few who have never participated entirely in the recruitment processes might end up to be the final beneficiaries of the job.

Most importantly, it’s quite unfortunate to note that, in spite of the sanctity and stringent nature of policies binding recruitment processes in Nigeria, some subterranean forces had successfully forced this trend to become normal procedure for recruitment in most government organizations, parastatals and financial agencies at the detriment of the majority. Although, to restrain myself from making needless and unnecessary elaborations, I need not remind people on the specific instances of those kinds of numerous recruitments

Abbas Datti, Kano