Don’t turn us back to political savagery

As we are daily moving closer to the 2019 elections, some politicians in their terrier-like course to return to their respective positions, have resorted to politics of do-or-die affairs. Why this call for caution and restraint becomes necessary is, some actions of notable politicians and their minions are pushing us back to the gory and […]

Don’t turn us back to political savagery
Don’t turn us back to political savagery

As we are daily moving closer to the 2019 elections, some politicians in their terrier-like course to return to their respective positions, have resorted to politics of do-or-die affairs. Why this call for caution and restraint becomes necessary is, some actions of notable politicians and their minions are pushing us back to the gory and brutal days of political savagery. That’s why I decided to make this move, to draw the attention of security agents to as a matter of fact closely monitor activities of some politicians. They should beam their lenses with the main purpose of checkmating the excesses of this ugly trend of political violence that’s rearing its ugly head. The politicians’ resolute commitment to return to their various seats at all cost, is daily eroding and threatening our violence free environment. 

Every concerned resident of Kano State must be deeply frightened and flabbergasted with daily emerging threat of peaceful coexistence of Kano people. While my aim is not to oppose doing everything right and legitimate by politicians to woo voters to their side, but to me, to imperil and endanger lives in a desperate chase to win election is the height of injustice. No doubt, the safety of lives and properties of voters must remain against all odds inviolably sacrosanct in every democratic political environment. 

But here in Kano, the reverse is the case, as recently, people are daily witnessing an upsurge resurgence of local weapons and hired thugs into the most length and breadth of the state. It has now become a common trend to see thugs brandishing and menacing dangerous weapons on streets in the midst of innocent citizens. So many people are living with extant fear courtesy of these happy sword menacing marauders who have no scruples to cut to the bone everyone that stood in their way to please their paymasters. Some metropolitan areas of Kano, have now become no-go areas, especially in the early hours of the night, because the spaces have been forcefully taken and predominantly populated by a gang of miscreants. These areas have exclusively been made battle fields for unleashing thuggish savagery by hired political ruffians. The places have been made theatres of war between different political opponents. And most the saddest part of it is, the politicians are openly and unashamedly endorsing these uncivilized, animalistic habits. 

I’m deeply saddened and quite disappointed with coming face to face in the social media, with a video clip and images of Alhassan Jibrin Doguwa (the Chief Whip of House of Reps), walking spiritedly unashamed, unembarrassed with the midst of thousands of thugs. These thugs were wholeheartedly brandishing local dangerous weapons on the streets. Sadly, what a trip in perfidious course! Lawmaker turns lawbreaker.

Abbas Datti, Kano, [email protected]