Driving Tips: If your car tyre get stuck, what do you do?

Driving Tips: If your car tyre get stuck in  mud what do you do? Here are some tips from #LagosTrafficReports to aid your driving experience.   #LagosTrafficTips Manage your Fatigue. Ensure you’re well rested for the task at hand. Never drive when you’re feeling drowsy! @daily_trust pic.twitter.com/G3r2kMAIGo — #LagosTrafficReports (@TrafficChiefNG) January 26, 2017 #LagosTrafficTips eating, […]

Driving Tips: If your car tyre get stuck, what do you do?

Driving Tips: If your car tyre get stuck in  mud what do you do?

Here are some tips from #LagosTrafficReports to aid your driving experience.