Ebola and Muslim consciousness (II)

This is just what Muslims have adhered to since time immemorial.In an explanation of Imam Nawawi’s rahimahullah Forty Hadith, it was explained by a scholar that: Umar bin al-Khattab (ra) was travelling with a group of Sahabahs during his Khilafah (leadership). They were coming to a town when they heard that it had a contagious/infectious […]

Ebola and Muslim consciousness (II)
Ebola and Muslim consciousness (II)

This is just what Muslims have adhered to since time immemorial.
In an explanation of Imam Nawawi’s rahimahullah Forty Hadith, it was explained by a scholar that: Umar bin al-Khattab (ra) was travelling with a group of Sahabahs during his Khilafah (leadership). They were coming to a town when they heard that it had a contagious/infectious disease (cholera). ‘Umar asked his group whether they should proceed or go back (to Madinah). The majority of the Sahabahs said they should go back but some said they should proceed. Then one Sahabi said he knew a hadith where the Prophet, saw, said, “If you hear that this disease exists in a country, don’t travel to that country.” So ‘Umar decided that they should go back. Another Sahabi (it seems from the second group) asked him whether he was running away from a qadar (destiny). ‘Umar replied that they were moving away from one qadar to another qadar.
The Prophet (saw) explained in another hadith that precaution must be taken to avoid difficulties and sicknesses, and this is not against one’s belief in Allah and His Qadr (decree).
Abu Hurairah (ra) narrated that the Prophet (saw) said, “Do not mix the sick animals (those suffering from a disease) with the healthy ones”. (Buhari).
Muslims perform ablution (wudu) which entails the washing of all the exposed parts of the body. As a cleansing process, wudu is the equivalent of a half bath. Thus way, the devout Muslim takes a half bath at least five times daily.
Ibn al-Qayyim (rahimahullah) said: “The foundations of the medicine of the body are three: (i)Preservation of health. (ii)A diet that avoids those things which may cause harm. (iii)Removing harmful matter from the body.” (At-Tibb an-Nabawiyy [The Prophetic Medicine])
Abdurrahman As-sa’dee (rahimahullah) said: “Al-Bukhariy reports from Abu Hurayrah (ra) that Allah’s Messenger (saw) said: “Allah did not send down a disease except that He sent for it a cure.” This narration encompasses all illnesses, whether hidden or apparent. There is a medicine that combats them, either by way of prevention or by curing the sickness completely or by reducing its effect.
In one of his khutbah (Jumat sermon) Imam Murtada Gusau listed some way out of the Ebola disease: There are many examples of Prophetic medicines from the Qur’an and Sunnah that bring about cure for even the most chronic of illnesses. From those means that Allah, the Most Generous, has provided to bring about cures are:
Supplicating for the sick: When the Messenger (SAW) would visit the sick he would say: “Allahuma Rabbi-Naas, Wa Ashfi antash-shaafee, laa Shifaa’a illaa shifaa’uka, shifaa’an laa yughaadiru saqama” (translated as: Remove the harm, O Lord of the people! Heal, for You are The Healer. There is no healing that avails except your healing. A healing, that leaves behind no any ailment).
Reciting the Qur’an is a cure:- “And we sent from the Qur’an that which is a cure and a mercy to those who believes.” (al-Israa’: 82).
Honey is also a cure, as Allah has stated:- “There comes forth from their bellies (i.e. the bees), a drink of varying colour wherein is a healing for men (and women).” (An-Nahl: 69)
The Prophet (SAW) said: “In the black cumin (Habbatus-Saudah in Arabic) is a cure for every illness except death.”
He also said: “Healing is in three: blood cupping (hijaamah in Arabic or Kaho in Hausa), in the drinking of honey and cauterization with fire (branding), and I have forbidden my nation from cauterization.”
In another narration The Prophet said: “The water of Zamzam is for whatever it is drunk for.”