Editor fired for ‘gaystapo’ blog sues publisher for religious discrimination

In April, media reporter Jim Romenesko revealed that Bob Eschliman, the then editor of an Iowa newspaper, the Newton Daily News, had written a personal blogpost in which he accused “the gaystapo” of trying “to reword the Bible to make their sinful nature ‘right with God.’”Shaw Media, owner of the Newton Daily News, first suspended […]

Editor fired for ‘gaystapo’ blog sues publisher for religious discrimination
Editor fired for ‘gaystapo’ blog sues publisher for religious discrimination

In April, media reporter Jim Romenesko revealed that Bob Eschliman, the then editor of an Iowa newspaper, the Newton Daily News, had written a personal blogpost in which he accused “the gaystapo” of trying “to reword the Bible to make their sinful nature ‘right with God.’”
Shaw Media, owner of the Newton Daily News, first suspended Eschliman with pay and then fired him within a week. Its president, John Rung, wrote an explanatory editorial in the paper.
While the editor was entitled to his opinion, he wrote, “his public airing of it compromised the reputation of this newspaper and his ability to lead it.”
Now Eschliman is claiming that his firing violated his constitutional rights of religious expression. He has filed a complaint with the US equal employment opportunity commission, arguing that his job was terminated because of his religious beliefs.
Eschliman is a member of the Christian Reformed Church of Newton. His case has been taken up a legal firm that advocates religious freedom. He also has a former US attorney, Matt Whitaker, in his corner.
“No one should be fired for simply expressing his religious beliefs,” Whitaker said. “In America, it is against the law to fire an employee for expressing a religious belief in public.
“This kind of religious intolerance by an employer has no place in today’s welcoming workforce.” Eschliman, an award-winning journalist, said he has had difficulty finding employment since his dismissal.
Source: UK Guardian