Education takes a village, we must all pitch in

First off, children in primary, secondary and tertiary institutions around the country have been abandoned by their parents and the society in general, this is not an attempt to point accusing fingers at any particular influencer because truth be told, we are all guilty.We allow students the liberty to shy away from academic excellence to […]

Education takes a village, we must all pitch in
Education takes a village, we must all pitch in

First off, children in primary, secondary and tertiary institutions around the country have been abandoned by their parents and the society in general, this is not an attempt to point accusing fingers at any particular influencer because truth be told, we are all guilty.
We allow students the liberty to shy away from academic excellence to embrace cultures and values that only erode our core values as a society. The young student that does not do “hip” stuff like sagging their pants, aspiring to “hammer” without an iota of hard-work or spend all of their waking time on social media are bullied and made fun of! Why is that?
In the olden days, it was the responsibility of every adult who sees a child going the wrong way to  administer corrective measures even without direct consent from the parents. This “it takes a village method” had never been more effective, as everyone saw it as their responsibility to raise good and accountable young ones, to become respectable adults in the future.
But here we are now, the slightest correction of even a teacher at school can irk some parents to the extent of confrontation, so as to humiliate an educator who would “dare” discipline a child!
The result? All kinds of unacceptable behaviour amongst our youths, with all of us blaming each other when it is obvious that we have all failed.
It is a given that we no longer live in a communal society but even with all the technological advancement that our society has been exposed to, it is still possible to maintain the normal ways of bringing up our children. And trying very hard not to spoil them so much that they believe they can get whatever they want without having to work hard, or expecting the world to worship at their feet as a result of the possession of wealth.
The truth that an upstanding citizen of society will always enable a better life for himself or herself and others will never change and we must remodel our values to promote better lifestyle choices for ourselves and our children, living and yet unborn.
Eremionkhale wrote from Abuja.For more of Eremionkhale’s write-ups, follow Edufrica on social media.