Effects of e-learning on students

It also enhances their technological know-how. E-learning has created a paper-less community instead of always printing out assignments.

Effects of e-learning on students

Technology is significant to our daily life,  activities as well as development of  the society. In the education sector, we are no longer limited to the traditional face to face classroom setting but are now evolving and adapting to  online learning. There is need for constant readjustment, especially when it comes to a new way of doing things  which is a part of learning.

E-learning can be referred to as an alternative method of learning. One of its characteristics is that, it is not the typical classroom setting that is limited to the four walls, exhausted teachers and students, but a whole world of flexible learning environment. E-learning could be in form of online classes rather than physical classes and even taking online certificate courses on various certified platforms. It is basically learning on the internet with the use of electronic devices. Some of the features of e-learning are really great, while some make you to want to drop the whole flexible learning and stick to the traditional classroom learning. After all, the devil you know is better than the angel you do not know.

The ability of E-learning to save cost is one of its major attractions. Students and universities do not need to worry about accommodation or feeding payment because everything can be done from home online. It is a great back-up plan for unforeseen circumstances. This is evident in the advent of the COVID-19 for schools that could afford it. During the period, E-learning became a backup plan.

It also enhances their technological know-how. E-learning has created a paper-less community instead of always printing out assignments.

E-learning helps students to manage their time. It helps you to understand that every second, minute and hour counts. E-learning also enhances class participation. With E-learning, students that are very shy in physical class, could comfortably contribute to learning processes from the comfort of their homes.

 E-learning enhances students’ academic performance.

In a research carried out in Covenant University on “The impacts of E-learning in Facilitating Academic Performance Among Private Secondary Schools and Tertiary Institutions,”  it was stated that E-learning has  effects on academic performances. This ranges from  improvement in results and more engagements in academic activities etc.  However, as effective as this might sound, E-learning is not a bed of roses. It has its bad sides too.

E-learning inhibits interactions among students. Humans are social beings but E-learning does not create avenue for that. There is also a limitation on the type of course that can be done via E-learning. Such courses are mostly theory-oriented. Practical courses that may require laboratory practicals or other forms of practical applications cannot work effectively and efficiently with E-learning.

It is done on the internet, hence, there are lots of rooms for distractions. Students can easily get carried away to other sites. It also creates an avenue for cheating as there is little or no supervision. Online learning has a two-way effect on the average Nigerian student. It could be  positive or negative.

A major negative effect of E-learning on Nigerian student is on their mental health. With online learning, there in increased anxiety among students to meet up with deadlines and attendance. In some cases, uncontrollable forces like bad network could occur and most of the lecturers are not flexible enough to extend the deadlines. This can result in panic, tension and frustration. Mental health is very important and in learning, you need your sanity and peace of mind.

With E-learning, much information is dumped at once and the student needs time to process them. This cycle of mental exhaustion would in turn push the students to a peak where they either tune out or get distracted with something else.

Online learning encourages procrastination. It makes it easy to get carried away with other things at home and keep pushing back on when to do a task. This leads to workload and panic when deadlines dawns.

One major effect of E-learning is the one that has to do with the inability of those in rural communities to use online platforms.

Students must be able to take note of both negative and positive effects of E-learning  and adapt accordingly.

 Chima Onyinyechukwu Ngozichukwu, a student of Babcock University, writes from Ogun State