’Eid prayer and celebration

Next Thursday is ‘Eid al-Adha across the world and the most correct view (based on evidences of Qur’an and hadeeth, with the explanation of the pious predecessors) is that attending and offering the two raka’at Eid prayer is compulsory.  The goodness, blessings and great reward one gets from perfoming it, and the fact that one […]

’Eid prayer and celebration
’Eid prayer and celebration

Next Thursday is ‘Eid al-Adha across the world and the most correct view (based on evidences of Qur’an and hadeeth, with the explanation of the pious predecessors) is that attending and offering the two raka’at Eid prayer is compulsory. 
The goodness, blessings and great reward one gets from perfoming it, and the fact that one is following the example of Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessing of Allaah on him) by doing so, should be sufficient motivation, according to Islamic scholars. 
So, the ‘Eid prayer is valid for men, women, children, travelers and residents. It is to be performed at a relatively distant open place (Mussallaa usually at the outskirt of the town, village or city).   
Some etiquettes of the day of ‘Eid 
1: The Muslim is required to make ghusl or ritual bath on this day. It can be done at any time but to serve the purpose, it is recommended to do it before going out for the prayer.
The purpose is to be clean for prayer and avoid harming the people with bad odour.  Imaam Al-Baghawee said in ‘Sharhus Sunnah’ that, “And the sunnah is to take a bath on the day of ‘Eid. It is reported that ‘Ali used to take bath on the day of ‘Eid, and similarly it is reported that Ibn ‘Umar and Salamah ibn Al-Akwa ‘used to do so” 
2: Eating on the two ‘Eids: It is a sunnah to eat dates before leaving for ‘Eid eil-Fitr. It is preferable not to eat anything on the day of ‘Eid eil-Adhha until you have performed the ‘Eid prayer in the morning, then, return home, slaughter an animal, and prepare the meal and eat from it. 
3: It is highly recommended to wear best clothes on this day. Ibn al-Qayyim writes: “The Prophet used to wear his most beautiful clothes for them and he had a special cloak that he would wear on the two ‘Eids and Jumu’ah.  (Sharhus Sunnah)  
Going out to Musallaa 
Salaatul ‘Eid should be prayed at musalla as long as there is no excuse or reason to do otherwise (e.g., rain, etc.). The prophet prayed the two Eids in the outskirts of al-Medeenah and he never prayed in his mosque.
Pronouncing Takbeeraat during the days of ‘Eid
It is a sunnah to pronounce the takbeeraat on ‘Eid days.
Concerning the ‘Eid of breaking the fast, Allaah says: “you should complete the prescribed period and that you should glorify Allaah [i.e., say takbeeraat] for having guided you and that you may give thanks.”(Al- Baqarah: 2: 185.) 
Concerning the ‘Eid of the sacrifice, Allaah says: “that you may remember Allaah during the well known days:” 
The majority of the scholars say that the time for the takbeeraat during the ‘Eid of breaking the fast is from the time one goes to the ‘Eid prayer until the khutbah begins.
 The time for the takbeeraat during the ‘Eid of the sacrifice is from the day of ‘Arafah until the time of the ‘asr on the thirteenth of Dhul-Hijjah. [See Sharhussunnah) 
Women and children going out to attend ‘Eid prayer
Shari’ah requires women and children to go out and attend the salaatul ‘Eidayn. This includes married, single, young, old, or menstruating women. Umm ‘Ateeyah reports: “We were ordered to go out with the single and menstruating women to the two ‘Eids in order to witness the good and the supplications of the Muslims. The menstruating women would be separate from the others.”  
The above hadeeth clears it that menstruating women will only attend the ‘Eid congregation prayer but they will not pray.