Eid ul-Kabir and devoutions in Dhul-Hajj

Thursday September 24 will be observed as this year’s Eid ul-Kabir in Nigeria, being the 10th day of the Islamic lunar month of Dhul-Hajj 1436AH. The Sultan of Sokoto and President-General of the Nigerian Supreme Council for Islamic Affairs, Alhaji Muhammad Saad Abubakar, had earlier in the week announced that Tuesday September 15 was 1st […]

Eid ul-Kabir and devoutions in Dhul-Hajj
Eid ul-Kabir and devoutions in Dhul-Hajj

Thursday September 24 will be observed as this year’s Eid ul-Kabir in Nigeria, being the 10th day of the Islamic lunar month of Dhul-Hajj 1436AH. The Sultan of Sokoto and President-General of the Nigerian Supreme Council for Islamic Affairs, Alhaji Muhammad Saad Abubakar, had earlier in the week announced that Tuesday September 15 was 1st Dhul-Hijjah 1434 AH; implying that Wednesday September 23 would be Arafat day being the 9th day of Dhul-Hajj 1436AH.
The Sunnah of the Prophet (SAW) teaches that those that are able to make sacrifices on the occasion of the Eid ul-Kabir should eat out of the meat and also give some portions to others. While some scholars fix two-thirds (2/3) of the entire meat as the portion to be shared out, others opine that the proportion is not mandatory. The most important thing is that the person who made the sacrifice should eat out of it and give part of it as alms (Sadaqah). If giving fresh meat out as Sadaqah would inconvenience the recipient(s), it is preferred that the meat is roasted, fried or cooked before sharing it.
The reward promised by Allah (SWT), and not necessarily the quantity of the meat available for consumption, should be the ultimate of every believer who offers the sacrifice. Slaughtering a goat on the occasion of Eid ul-Kabir has more reward than slaughtering a cow and even a camel. However, the reverse is the case for Muslims on pilgrimage to Makkah where the highest reward begins with the slaughtering of a camel.
In the Maliki School of Islamic jurisprudence, the reward for Dahiyyah (called Layyah in local Nigerian languages) is according to the type of animal offered in the following order of preference that begins with an un-castrated ram; then a castrated ram; then a sheep; followed by an un-castrated he-goat; then a castrated he-goat; then a she-goat; followed by a bull; then a cow; followed by a male camel; then a female camel. However, the reverse (in the order of preference) is the case for those on pilgrimage to Makkah because the object of sacrifice in hajj (called Hadyah) is to provide plenty of meat for the underprivileged. On the other hand, the intent of sacrifice in Eid ul-Kabir in the case of Muslims who are not on pilgrimage is to taste and enjoy the best of meat.
Nonetheless, there is an age limit set aside by Islam for every category of slaughter-animal on the occasion of the Eid. According to Abdullahi bn Abi Zayd al-Qayrawaniy, author of the famous book of the Malikiyyah school, Ar-Risala; it is required that a ram or sheep should have attained a year or at least eight months. A goat is expected to have entered its second year.
A cow should have entered its fourth year and a camel should not be less than six years of age. It is not right to use a sick, emaciated or blind (partial or full) animal that has one or other deformities for the sacrifice. A slaughter-animal with a broken horn or split ear(s) should not also be used for the Dahiyyah (sacrifice). Maliki scholars opine that the one with a broken horn can be used if no blood gushed forth from the injury.
One of the principles of Dahiyyah requires Muslims to offer their sacrifices only after the religious leader (emir, chief or imam) of the community in which they reside has made his sacrifice. Therefore, anyone who slaughters his animal before such his (community) leader does so would be considered to have made no sacrifice. However, if one resides in a place that has no such leader, he is advised to delay his slaughtering until when presumably the religious leader in the community nearest to him would have slaughtered his animal.
Believers are free to slaughter their animals within the stipulated three days (10th, 11th and 12th of Dhul-Hajj). However, the first day which is the 10th day of Dhul-Hajj, is preferred over the succeeding two days (i.e. 11th and 12th of Dhul-Hajj). The slaughtering on each of the days is preferred before sunset. Anyone who slaughters his animal at night shall have made no sacrifice. If for any reason, including loss of animal intended for the sacrifice, one was unable to make the slaughtering before sunset; it is recommended that he exercises patience until the following morning. It is not permitted that one sells anything out of the slaughter-animal; not even the hide or the waste products of the animal.
Allah (SWT) swears in Qur’an 89: 2 by the first 10 days of the Islamic month of Dhul-Hajj; the 12th and last month on the Islamic lunar calendar. The first 10 days of Dhul-Hajj, being the specified days of the pilgrimage, is a period during which the holy city of Makkah is thronged with millions of pilgrims from all parts of the world to observe the fifth fundamental principle of Islam. 
Muslims are exhorted to engage much during the first 10 days of Dhul-Hajj in diverse acts of worship. Tirmidi, Ibn Majah and Bayhaqi all report on the authority of Abu Hurayrah (RA) that the Prophet (SAW) said: “No worship is more pleasing to Allah as the one carried out in the first 10 days of Dhul-Hajj; a day’s fasting in it (the period) is equivalent to fasting of a whole year, and a night (of the period) spent in worship is equivalent (in reward) to that carried out in (the night of power) Lailat ul-Qadar’.”
Ibn Abbas (RA) reports that the Prophet (SAW) said: “No righteous deed is more pleasing to Allah as that carried out in the first 10 days of Dhul-Hajj.” The Prophet (SAW) was asked whether that includes fighting in the cause of Allah and He (SAW) replied: “Except a man who went out with all his wealth in the cause of Allah but never returned with anything.” In another hadith reported on the authority of Ibn Umar, the Prophet (SAW) exhorts believers to engage much during this period in the supplications of tahlil (saying of La ilaha ila llah), takbir (saying of Allahu Akbar) and tahmid (saying of Alhamdu lillah).
Lest we forget, the sunnah of the prophet (SAW) encourages us to observe voluntary fast on Arafat day. This, insha Allah, comes up Tuesday September 22. Happy Eid ul-Kabir! Kullu Aamin Wa Antum Bikhairin!!