Eko Atlantic City illuminates

The facility known as LED Light was described as the best technology in modern day streetlights and it was installed on Eko Boulevard, one of the streets in the Atlantic City, where road construction has reached an appreciable stage.Conducting journalists around the first phase of the infrastructure, the Managing Director of South Energy Nigeria Limited, […]

Eko Atlantic City illuminates
Eko Atlantic City illuminates

The facility known as LED Light was described as the best technology in modern day streetlights and it was installed on Eko Boulevard, one of the streets in the Atlantic City, where road construction has reached an appreciable stage.
Conducting journalists around the first phase of the infrastructure, the Managing Director of South Energy Nigeria Limited, the developer of the new city, Mr. David Frame said the facility is to herald a new dawn in Eko Atlantic City, thus, bring into light, huge construction works going on but are not visible to those who have never visited the site.
 After lightning the Eko Boulevard, Frame said, “Now there is something new to see at night time after a section of new road in the emerging city was illuminated by streetlights,” adding that the city’s road system is rolling out more and more each day but noted it is the first time any of the internal city routes have been lit.
He said the illumination of the Led Light will enable passers-by on Ahmadu Bello Way on Victoria Island and the Marina on Lagos Island see clearly the on-going construction of residential and commercial tower blocks in the city.
Elated Frame said, “We’re very satisfied that the street lighting has come on as this represents another important step in the successful development of Eko Atlantic.”
He said the first row of lights along Eko Boulevard, a paved eight-lane thoroughfare that is over a mile long and is the spine of the Business District, will be extended in the new year noting that the developers will forge ahead with infrastructure development in the new year.
On the level of development at the city, Frame explained that the project development area is now so large and progressing so quickly that it won’t be long before it will require internal road signs to drive around.
“To date, 10 percent of Eko Atlantic’s roads in Phase One and two are paved while 32 percent stone-base is providing access to motor vehicles.
“Over 25 percent of the roads are defined with kerb lines; 56 percent of storm water drainage has been installed along with 34 percent of state-of-the-art communications, 50 percent of the sewage distribution network and 36 percent of the water supply network are also completed to date,” Frame explained.
He said concrete block paved roads, spacious sidewalks and kerbs are being built in the first and second phases of the city.
“All what our consultant, Messrs Dar Handasah consulting engineering have put in place is to ensure that the city will meet all the mission and vision of the new city.
“For those still in the dark about what Eko Atlantic City is about, the planned city is being constructed on land reclaimed from the Atlantic Ocean along the Lagos Bar Beach.
“It’s expected that when completed, the new island will be home to about 400,000 residents, with a daily flow of 250,000 commuters.
“Adjacent to Victoria Island, Eko Atlantic is being touted by its proponents – South Energyx Nigeria Ltd,” Frame declared.
The city is expected to be around 10 square kilometre. It was designed to satisfy need for financial, commercial, residential and tourist accommodation with a high-tech infrastructure in line with modern and environmental standards.
“These standards will offer the city’s residents modern water, waste management, security and transportation systems as well as an independent source of energy generated specifically for the city,” Frame said.