Electronic Transmission of Votes

Electronic transmission of election results will certainly improve

Electronic Transmission of Votes
Electronic Transmission of Votes

Our democracy has attained the legal age of maturity. Nigeria is ripe for electronic transmission of votes because the country has resources to  do that.

The rigging culture has become our electoral culture. It is becoming pervasive and if it is not checked, it will destroy our democracy.

Apart from the fact that the voters will know the outcome of the results as votes are counted at the polling booth, its transmission electronically will prevent interference by anyone who intends to change the results.

Electronic transmission of election results will certainly improve the integrity of our elections and make us a shining example in the comity of nations.

However, there are other challenges against its success. These include irregular electricity supply, poor telecommunication network and lack of internet facilities in some areas.

These challenges could be overcome if government upgrades our communication infrastructure to support the process.

I am appealing to the National Assembly to consider the electronic transmission of election results in the amendment of the Electoral Act.

Bello Shehu Shuni can be reached through [email protected]