We had here in October last year mourned Ahmad Galadanci, 24-year old final year student of Architecture at Kano State University of Science and Technology, KUST, Wudil; and in March 2008, we sang a dirge on Isma’il Yadudu, 27-year old Captain of the Nigerian Army. Promising young lives wasted by a wasteful nation. Born July […]


We had here in October last year mourned Ahmad Galadanci, 24-year old final year student of Architecture at Kano State University of Science and Technology, KUST, Wudil; and in March 2008, we sang a dirge on Isma’il Yadudu, 27-year old Captain of the Nigerian Army. Promising young lives wasted by a wasteful nation.

Born July 1, 1984, Auwal Shanono was the 34th National President of the Nigerian Medical Students Association (NiMSA). Auwal and his four colleagues were on their way back from Ile-Ife after a national sensitisation rally on reduction of maternal mortality (note: Mortality!) when tragedy struck. His colleagues escaped death by the slimmest of chances. After he was killed, Auwal’s body was only discovered two days later, burnt along with other bodies, in a bush along the Ibadan to Ife road. The body would not have been recognisable but for the ring on his finger and a piece of the rally tag on his neck.

Auwal has been the quintessential student politician: he had held positions in NANS (National Association of Nigerian Students); NiMSA (Nigerian Medical Students Association, of which he was National President and on whose assignment he died); ABUMSA (ABU Medical Students Association); KAMSA (Kano and Jigawa Medical Students Association); NAKSS (National Association of Kano State Students); IFMSA (International Federation of Medical Students). Auwal was truly an ‘honourable’ without rigging and without being a Bank Ole!

Allah says in the Qur’an: “Every person (nafs) shall taste of death; and We try you with evil and good as a test, then unto Us you shall be returned.” Let Auwal’s friends take up the elegy from here:

UBAIDULLAH NOUR HANGA (Ameer, Islamic Medical Association, ISMA): “Auwal was a committed brother in all senses of the word: punctual for all prayers and at all activities; always putting the interest of the Ummah first, at all costs. He was truly a brother.”

SHU’AIBU SABITU (Secretary General, Nigerian Medical Students Association, NiMSA): “Shanono lived a purpose-driven life. He was hardworking, straightforward, humble and always kept to his words. He never relented in doing what was right. He always believed there is a hope for a better Nigeria and always pushed us to do more in our little capacity. He died in the course of reduction of maternal mortality which he always argued was the key to our national development. I lost a friend, a colleague, a room-mate, my president and my mentor. May Auwal’s soul rest in perfect peace, amin.”

DR. RASHEEDA MOHAMMED (senior colleague now House Officer): “Auwal was kind-hearted, a friend to everyone whom he crossed paths with, bold, courageous and stood for what he believed in. He was so full of life and walked with a spring in his step and a smile on his face. He was someone anyone would be proud to have as a son, friend or brother and he achieved in his short life the greatness and fulfilment many men spend lifetimes trying to attain. May Allah grant him Jannatul Firdaus.”

ALI WALI (Director Political, National Association of Nigerian Students, NANS): “Auwal was very friendly and generous. He always stood by me in all my personal and political struggles. We spoke last on a Thursday when he told me he was on his way to Ife on assignment. May Allah forgive him and may paradise be his abode. We pray that the perpetrators of his murder will be brought to justice.”

AMINA BALA MUHAMMAD (Classmate): “Auwal (or ‘Yayana’ as I used to call him as we both have ‘Bala’ as surname) was indeed a brother. My last encounter with him was when my phone was stolen. He tried doing a ‘welcome back’ for me and also offered me his spare phone. Indeed mun yi rashi. Allah Ya sada mu a jannatul-firdaus.”

ZAHRADDEEN BABANDI (President, ABU Medical Students Association, ABUMSA): “Auwal was a phenomenon, a progressive mind, an epitome of diligence, a leader per excellence, an instigator of vision. He believed in one Nigeria, he lived and died for a better Nigeria. It is a great loss to the nation. We miss him dearly.”

MISBAHU ABDULLAHI IS’HAQ (President, National Association of Kano State Students, NAKSS, ABU Chapter): “I knew Auwal right from IJMB days at CAS Kano, and at university he contributed a lot towards the progress of Kano students. He was of good character and behaved well towards everyone. His death has created a great gap that can hardly ever be filled. We condemn his killing and call on the Federal Government to, as a matter of urgency, bring the culprits to book and compensate his family. May Allah grant him jannatul firdaus, amin.”

In his poem For Whom The Bell Tolls, the poet John Donne reminds us:

Each man’s death diminishes me,

For I am involved in mankind.

Therefore, send not to know

For whom the bell tolls,

It tolls for thee.

It is reported that that once the great scholar Imam Malik Ibn Anas saw the Angel of Death in his sleep and the Imam asked him: “How much time is left for me to live?” The Angel pointed to his five fingers. Then the Imam asked him: “Does that mean five years, or five months, or five days?” Before the Imam had a chance to get an answer, he woke up. So the Imam went to someone who could interpret the dream.

The man told him: “Imam Malik, when the Angel pointed to his five fingers, he didn’t mean five years or five months or five days. The Angel meant that your question ‘how much time left for me to live’ is among the five matters that only Allah (exalted be His Name) knows about’. The man recited the following verse from the Qur’an: “Verily, with Allah alone is the knowledge of the Hour. And He sends down the rain, and He knows what is in the wombs. And no soul knows what it will earn tomorrow, and no soul knows in what land it will die. Surely, Allah is All-Knowing, All-Aware.”

Auwal’s family has lost a son; his colleagues have lost a friend; ABU has lost a student; Nigeria has lost a potential medical doctor; and the world has lost a potential politician. May he be ‘honourable’ in Paradise. Allah Ya jikansa.