Elon Musk wants to develop electric jet that can land anywhere

Elon Musk has his hands full creating everything from space rockets to self-driving cars. But as if that wasn’t enough for the billionaire, Musk has revealed he has another design in the works: an electric jet that can take off and land vertically, anywhere. “I have been thinking about the vertical take-off and landing (VTOL) […]

Elon Musk wants to develop electric jet that can land anywhere

Elon Musk has his hands full creating everything from space rockets to self-driving cars.
But as if that wasn’t enough for the billionaire, Musk has revealed he has another design in the works: an electric jet that can take off and land vertically, anywhere.
“I have been thinking about the vertical take-off and landing (VTOL) electric jet a bit more,” he said.
“I think I have something that might close. I’m quite tempted to do something about it.”
His comments were made during a question-and-answer session at the Hyperloop Pod competition awards ceremony at Texas A&M, after the inventor was asked to describe his next big idea.
The audience first reacted with quiet laughter, and then cheers when they realised he was being serious.
An audience member followed up by asking Musk, “how do you convince people that your ideas aren’t crazy?”
“In starting SpaceX, they definitely thought I was crazy,” he answered.
“One of my best friends compiled a long video of rockets crashing and made me watch the whole thing.
“Other friends involved in a rocket start-up said it was a terrible idea, and I thought we had a really tiny chance of succeeding anyway, like 10 per cent… and it was very close [to failure] but I think, ultimately, seeing is believing… that’s what convinces people.”
Musk has hinted at creating an electric jet in the past, but this is the first sign that he may follow up.