Emir Muhammad Sanusi’s dethronement

For many observers who knew the “quantum” of Muhammad Sanusi’s knowledge through his “writes ups”and public papers representation had always believed that Emir Sanusi II was really “caged”by his ambition, but for Emir Sanusi II, he loved “Gidan Dabo” more than anything else in this world . Every human being has his “strength” and “weakness”. […]

Emir Muhammad Sanusi’s dethronement

His Highness Muhammadu Sanusi II

For many observers who knew the “quantum” of Muhammad Sanusi’s knowledge through his “writes ups”and public papers representation had always believed that Emir Sanusi II was really “caged”by his ambition, but for Emir Sanusi II, he loved “Gidan Dabo” more than anything else in this world . Every human being has his “strength” and “weakness”.

Our traditional rulers are in serious dilemma of whether to be “puppets” or “to speak truth to the powers that be” . Many people often criticize them for keeping “quiet “or”mute”on the issues of bad policies or, programmes or Insecurity or, unemployment, and or bad governance. They are often accused of being”yes men” to the powers that be just as their forefathers were once accused of being to the white men.

Emir Sunusi’s background has been that of a public intellectual, an activist, a writer, a critique and a public commentator who has’nt properly adjusted to that of a subservient role . As far as I know, Emir Sunusi’s trouble with Governor Abdullahi Umar Danduje began soon after he criticized the Governor’s Light Rail project publically. It appears that the best way to last long on the throne as an emir or a chief is to “keep quiet” on governance issues no matter “what” and or “whatsoever”.

He will be missed for the following:  As an Emir who leads daily prayers (Fajr –Zhuhr –Asr -Maghrib –Isha’a),  an Emir who leads Eid prayers (Eid al-Fitr and Eid Al-Adha),  an Emir who conducts Khutbah and leads Juma’a prayers,  an Emir who memorized the Holy Qur’an (Al-Hafeez),  an Emir who conducts Qur’anic exegesis (Tafsir),  an Emir who leads Salat- al-Janazah,  a scholar of Islamic jurisprudence (Sharia), an Emir who speaks and writes Arabic with proficiency, an internationally presentable traditional ruler and the most sought after traditional ruler in Nigeria etc.

In my observation, Emir Sanusi should be consoled with the fact that, one so much doubts, if in the present “Gidan Dabo”there will be his replacement with the above mentioned qualities.

May God bless Nigeria!

Nurudeen Dauda wrote from Kaduna    [email protected]