Emmanuel Macron: The beautiful nonsense

Respect is reciprocal. Respect in terms of synonyms does imply admiration, high opinion, deference, esteem, reverence or reverence. Anyone who deludes himself as a “leader of the civilised world” but does not respect the leader of other people is  beautiful nonsense. If one man’s meat is another man’s poison, then the French imperialism, which the […]

Emmanuel Macron: The beautiful nonsense

French President Emmanuel Macron

Respect is reciprocal. Respect in terms of synonyms does imply admiration, high opinion, deference, esteem, reverence or reverence.

Anyone who deludes himself as a “leader of the civilised world” but does not respect the leader of other people is  beautiful nonsense. If one man’s meat is another man’s poison, then the French imperialism, which the Italians accused of virtually stealing the wealth of Niger, Cameroon, Mali, Burkina Faso, Togo and others, would rather Macron and his French colonial companies disappear from the globe by whatever means.

Unfortunately, Macron and his ilk, who are vanguards in promoting disrespect and humiliating more than 100 million Muslims and feeding like predators in the jungle on Francophone resources cheap, is adding insults to injury. He must be called to order by self-respecting Muslims for disrespect of their Prophet Muhammad. There will never be French or a European or a Jew that will be equal to Muhammad in success and greatness, in terms of leadership on the Spiritual and the Worldly fronts. In fact, no Jew or Christian dead or alive including Prophets Moses and Jesus that march him  in  greatness,  honour and influence whether anyone likes it or not. This testimony is on record by more important Jews and Christians as we read ahead.

The Christian Macron and his secular western colleagues claim to rule by “democratic” principles whatever that means. But it is a farce and beautiful nonsense. Less than a year ago the “Yellow Vests” demonstrated to the world and made Macron have sleepless nights because the so-called “western democracy” is indeed beautiful nonsense. In reality, the so-called French democracy was design for the Jews who according to the French people “do not work” but remain eating on interests, the typical Shylock the Jew is known as described in the “Merchant of Venice”.  The typical teacher who is programmed by his exploiters who control the media are indeed his enemies.

These globalisation agents who are friends of Satan disobey their Scriptures and have deceived the miserable French and other European citizens to “live to eat” retire and pursue the socially engineered moral decay that their devilish leaders programme to pursue in the name of “freedom”. One will ask the freedom to vilify any prophet as those in the dark days of Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus and last of the Prophets Muhammad, what?. These Masonic and Occultists and members of Secret Societies have surrendered themselves for miserable profit and few days on earth. Of course, the few about 5% are said to control over 75% of the global wealth.

Some ignorant ordinary citizens in the West earning less than US 24,000 dollars per annum follow the footsteps of few with net worth ranging  between 20 -90 US billion dollars. The poor likes of black Christian George Floyd  are gunned down by white “supremacists” who look like “God” Jesus. The impression is that Trump, Blair, Macron’s and the white police who look like Jesus as depicted near the end of IBB way in Abuja billboard around zone 4 are superior races and can dispense any outside them according to their beautiful nonsense. Meanwhile, the black even the Christian is dispensable in the so-called Christian West. Islam does not accept white is superior to black as long as he does not fear God according to His terms. The best in the sight of Him is the one who worships him truly not according to the whims of globalisation agents.

In the US, Trump, carrying his beautiful nonsense stance, has made the so-called “God’s Own Country” an enclave of racist and arrogant rulers blindly deluded on “America first” gimmick. They lack sensitivity for those they consider blacks ( freed slaves)and the weak gentiles because the Jewish mindset holds sway in racist America and the Shylock greed is the way the system works. This brainwashed “America is great” who they regard with inferior intellect and a burden to the “white” supremacists can be gunned down by racist white police. Trump will salute these crimes against humanity with relish and sadism.

Trump has no regard for human beings, till you develop your nukes. Even Macron was leveled as “foolish” by Trump and he remained like a lamb after the insult of all people the “mighty” French President, the beautiful nonsense who out of eccentric disposition, says insulting Prophet Muhammad is a French freedom of speech. We say like Trump that the French have elected a foolish man to run their affairs. The Arab “Kings” to Trump and western heads are just beautiful nonsense and can be directed, controlled, stopped and discarded at anytime. They are worse than Macron for abandoning the Qur’an and the Sunnah of the Prophet for materialism.

The  Prophet Muhammad left a band of selfless people who dedicated themselves for the cause of Islam. Within 30 years after his death they had conquered the  Romans and the Persians. Islamic civilisation extended to Europe, Africa and Asia to China and Russia till effective 7th Century to 16th Century before the renaissance of Europe, the Golden Age of Islamic civilisation took roots.

With the Prophet Muhammad where the ruler and the ruled lived in harmony and one could not distinguish the Prophet and a commoner became a reality. Justice was for all without fear or favour and not the beautiful nonsense under the secular laws where the laws are for the rich and the poor has no friend. They roamed on the street with no guards and did not eat from the public treasury willfully and recklessly. The leaders ate coarse food and wore tattered cloth. The Prophet and the four revered Caliphs including Umar bin Abdulaziz demonstrated that Islam is the highest form of human perfection. These facts have been testified by non-Muslims like Michael H. Hart, who ranked Muhammad above all other human beings as the most influential among the top 100 in the world. Muhammad ranked higher than Moses and Jesus as numbers  15 and 3 respectively. Three Chinese made it in the first 10.

Let Macron come to terms with the fact that, European renaissance originated from Muslim Spain and not Italy. Let him know that it was through Islam that education, science and human development arose with the records in Paris.  It is instructive that, Abul Waleed Muhammad Ibn Ahmad Ibn Muhammad Ibn Rushd in Muslim Spain called “Averroes” in West born in 1206 was a genius in medicine. His works in Arabic were translated in European languages and Hebrew. The Italian Emperor Frederik was a great patron and for that was accused by the Bishops to have embraced Islam!   The advances in mathematics as algebra, trigonometry, zero and the production of the first world maps Europe learnt from the Muslim Ummah or community, among others. In the fields of physics and optics, the Muslims were ahead. In chemistry, biology astrology, philosophy, astronomy, Muslims led. The setting up of universities began with the Muslims in Baghdad with Al-Ghazali as its first Vice-Chancellor in the 11th century before Oxford and Cambridge that were established 300 years later. Unfortunately, the western-educated elites have been brainwashed by the imperialists to develop inferiority complex, thereby neglecting their roots.

Not even 0.005 of 1% of the French will remember Macron after his death including his supporters. More important people than Macron have raised the status of Muhammad higher than all the past, the present and the dead including Macron. These commentators include Anne Be Sant, George Barnard Shaw, Napoleon Bonaparte, Michael H Hart, Mahatma Gandhi, Thomas Carlyle, and Washington Arvin, among others. Perhaps Macron may wish to know what Napoleon a more important French personality said about Muhammad and I quote: ”I hope the time is not far off when I shall be able to unite all the wise and educated men of all the countries and establish a uniform regime based on the principles of Qur’an which alone are true and which can lead men to happiness.”

How can Europe know “happiness” with the beautiful nonsense bent on insulting the Prophet Muhammad? With the US and 16 European countries among others that remain as rebels against the Commandments of God, wait for the consequences. They have done worse than the people of Sodom and Gomorrah by legalising same-sex-marriage or gay marriage. The beautiful nonsense took effect in the Netherlands on April 1, 2001. This is coincidently known as “April fool” that they chose. No wonder the coronavirus has returned in Europe as at October 19, 2020 “with a full force of 40%” according to the German radio Hausa service report. Let these hoards of beautiful nonsense cancel the transgression, the socially engineered moral decay entrenched and sustained by the West including the so-called “marriage equality” and Corona will be history.

Engr Abu Fari writes from Kaduna and can be reached through [email protected]

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