Employment creation and the FCT

It is against this backdrop and the pestilence posed by unemployment that the FCT Minister is using multi-faceted methodologies to tackle this menace of joblessness which is known to escalate the rate of crime in any society. Human resources are the set of individuals who make up the workforce of an organization, business sector or […]

Employment creation and the FCT
Employment creation and the FCT

It is against this backdrop and the pestilence posed by unemployment that the FCT Minister is using multi-faceted methodologies to tackle this menace of joblessness which is known to escalate the rate of crime in any society. Human resources are the set of individuals who make up the workforce of an organization, business sector or an economy, basically we will be looking at human resources as it portends to the workforce of the economy, specifically the FCT. Owing to the fact that Nigeria is faced with an unemployment problem, Senator Bala Mohammed has targeted our enormous human resources and consequently he has fashioned avenues for job creation based on his innate ability for innovation and to drastically depreciate the level of unemployment.
The opening of new districts and provision of infrastructure by the current FCT Administration is presently recognised as a way to promote pro-poor growth through job creation, transfer of income to the unemployed by ensuring that they are employed and they earn wages, and creation of useful infrastructure. Other second round effects of Senator Bala Mohammed’s employment creation includes income multipliers generated by spending of wages, impacts on local labour markets, micro-enterprises development, capacity building, as well as enhanced employability of workers.
The FCT leadership has already attracted investment from within and outside the shores of Nigeria that is put at an aggregate of $6.5 billion from 2010 when he assumed office till date, this is inclusive of the investment from the US-based Balkan Development Centre of Dallas for the building of Abuja Town Centre at a Value of $2.6 billion, the construction of a World Trade Center by Church Gate Group which is valued at $1.2 billion, various Mass Housing Projects by foreign and local companies and also the investment by Innoson Group from Nnewi that is constructing an ultra-modern automobile manufacturing and service center in Abuja.
The FCT is fast becoming the best and biggest investment hub in Nigeria with a conducive and secure atmosphere for doing business courtesy of the favourable and attractive policies of the current FCT Administration, this has already created more than 30,000 jobs. In Economics, labour is a measure of work done by human beings. It is conventionally compared with such factors as land and capital. There are theories which have developed a concept called human capital; which is more concerned with the actual skills of the human beings rather than the work done. Invariably, Senator Bala Mohammed has opened up opportunities for the recently employed Nigerians to vigorously and competently exhibit their abilities (skilled and unskilled) with regards to partaking in the on-going developmental projects in the FCT.
Mohammed Awwal Ibrahim, Abuja ([email protected])