English language as taught in schools: The Rigasa experience

Rigasa is a sub-urban community located in Igabi Local Government Area of Kaduna State. It is the biggest community in the state, and arguably the largest ward in Northern Nigeria. The community was largely dominated by Fulani, Gbagyi, Hausa, Atyap and Ikulu in the late 1980s and 1990s. There was mutual respect, understanding among the […]

English language as taught in schools: The Rigasa experience
English language as taught in schools: The Rigasa experience

Rigasa is a sub-urban community located in Igabi Local Government Area of Kaduna State. It is the biggest community in the state, and arguably the largest ward in Northern Nigeria.

The community was largely dominated by Fulani, Gbagyi, Hausa, Atyap and Ikulu in the late 1980s and 1990s. There was mutual respect, understanding among the tribes, hence this brought economic, social and human development. Almost everybody then could speak simple English. This was due to the combination of different tribes in the community.

There were few schools in the community then. But the exciting part of it was that the teachers were hardworking and dedicated to their duties. In addition, no teacher spoke any language apart from English in the schools. This made the students to focus and concentrate in their learning, hence resulted in great achievements in terms of communication skills, writing skills and creativeness among the students.

Comparing Rigasa in 1980s, 1990s, 2000s and Rigasa in 2010s-2021, one can boldly say that there is a significant decrement in the way students and teachers communicate in English language. It is a well-known fact that English is the acceptable medium of instruction and communication in schools, colleges and universities in Nigeria. So, the position of English language in Nigeria, coupled with the roles it plays, compels every Nigerian to learn and speak it.

In contrast with Rigasa of today, students have developed low interest in learning. Some students and teachers do not communicate in English. While some teachers are unprofessional, unskilled and not passionate about the job, some proprietors are not ready to employ skilled, professional and qualified teachers. In the same vein, parents also contribute in worsening the situation through their unwillingness to pay and support schools for quality education to reign.

There is a need for continued partnership between government and private sector. The government  can be assisted to accommodate the ever-increasing population of students.

For Rigasa to regain and sustain its initial quality education, there is need for the community and  stakeholders like  Ministry of Education, PTA, SBMC and individual parents to put aside tribal and political differences and help their children through effective monitoring, supervision and inspection of schools. 

The National Association of Proprietors of Private Schools(NAPPS), should do more to ensure they only employ qualified and skilled teachers. They should as well set up a committee for supervision, and any school found wanting should be reported to the appropriate authorities.

More so, the Kaduna State government and Igabi local government should double their efforts through the School Quality Assurance Authority, to ensure students in Rigasa can read, write and communicate in English, besides paying regular unannounced supervisory and inspection visits to schools within the community.

Abdulazeez Alhassan can be reached through [email protected]