Ensuring a peaceful Nigeria

We cannot achieve any greatness so long as the country continues to wallow in today’s unfortunate situation. The wave of armed robbery, kidnapping, banditry, and other insecurity menaces must be put to a halt.

Ensuring a peaceful Nigeria
Ensuring a peaceful Nigeria

As a country of 60 years in existence, Nigeria is currently playing a game of ‘dead or alive’. It is without doubt that there is an unwholesome backwardness in economy, education, health and numerous other indices of progress and development. Saddled with this avalanche of challenges, the most worrisome, is the lack of peace in the country, which is undeniably the bedrock of every pillar that holds the fortunes of every society in quest of sustainable development.

When there is no peace in a country, nothing will work. In fact, only with peace we can think of a brighter tomorrow.

We cannot achieve any greatness so long as the country continues to wallow in today’s unfortunate situation. The wave of armed robbery, kidnapping, banditry, and other insecurity menaces must be put to a halt.

To bring a solution to the menace of insecurity, which both directly and indirectly affects our progress and development as a country, we must start with electing competent leaders that are ready to serve the country well. Leaders  who are also ready to serve everyone irrespective of tribe or religion.

Government, at all levels, should be serious about the safety of citizens. There should not be any compromise on this.

I strongly believe it is possible to tackle the current insecurity and avert any threat to our country’s growth and development. However, every Nigerian must play his role of placing competency over any other selfish interest.

Salim Yakubu Akko wrote from Gombe State