Enter: PLWP

My head was bowed, my pen on the paper lying in front of me on the garden table, when I suddenly heard some movement beside me and looked up. And there was Tahir, just back from his early morning  golf, still in his golfing attire.  ‘What are you so engrossed in that you didn’t even […]

Enter: PLWP
Enter: PLWP

My head was bowed, my pen on the paper lying in front of me on the garden table, when I suddenly heard some movement beside me and looked up. And there was Tahir, just back from his early morning  golf, still in his golfing attire. 

‘What are you so engrossed in that you didn’t even hear me park the car and walk over here until I reached you?’ Tahir asked, standing over my shoulder while I sat on one of the garden chairs. 

‘I’m sorry I was deep in thought because I was trying hard to come up with what it is that makes some people behave the way they do.’ I replied, smiling up at him. 

‘Really? I had no idea you have enrolled in a course in psychology. When did you start?’ He asked.

‘Come on hubby dear, you know you’d be the first to know if I did.  But I’m trying to fathom why some people do the things they do even though those things are clearly not right.’ I replied.

‘It still sounds like amateur psychology to me.’ He insisted before dragging back one of the chairs to sit on it. ‘What do you have here?’ He asked looking at the paper on the table.

‘PLWP’ he read aloud, ‘And what does this mean?’

‘It means People Living Without Priorities. They are another category of sick people. Just like we have People Living with HIV/ AIDS (PLWHA) and People Living with Disabilities (PLWD) we also have the PLWP, but their own illness is not physical or mental, it is psychological.’ I explained.

‘I see and just where did you meet such people Bint?’ Tahir asked.

‘Well, they are everywhere but are mainly found in high places and in corridors of power. They are people with the opportunity to make a huge difference in the society but because they have no sense of priorities, or their priorities are totally misplaced, they blow up such chances by doing the exact opposite of what they could have done.’ I answered.

‘Frankly Bint, I not sure I am following. Maybe it’s because I need to go up and rest. I’ve been on the golf course since 7am, though I enjoyed the sunshine and had a good exercise, I’m sure I can do with a little rest. Maybe afterwards I can understand what you are saying.’ Tahir replied, rising up. 

‘No please, sit down, I will explain everything so that you will understand.’ I urged and he sat back on his chair.

‘Now take a look at this photo, it went viral a few days ago because it is a picture of the bridal gifts the son of one governor has taken to the house of another governor, seeking the second governor’s daughter’s hand in marriage. As you can see it is a room full of suitcases and other gift packages, I repeat a room full of suitcases. For God’s sake what are they trying to prove? The height of insensitivity to the suffering masses in that state or the fact that their priorities are, and will always be self-aggrandisement?’ I asked rhetorically, giving him the phone to see the photo?

‘But are you sure of this Bint? Are you sure these gift items are for that purpose? You shouldn’t be too quick to relay what isn’t true Wifey dear.’ He cautioned, handing me back the phone.

‘But everything I said is true Tahir. Look, there are even videos showing the many governors wives who, in solidarity with the groom’s family, took this great volume of gifts to the future bride’s home. Everything is captured on camera and my sole question here is: Do they have nothing to do with money in that state that they should blow it on a bride for the governor’s son? How many times did these governors go to Mr President begging for bailout funds with which to pay salaries and execute capital projects? Are they now saying that the wedding of their children is such an important project it should gulp a sizeable chunk of that bailout? 

I’m sure that if you were to go to the groom’s state you will find a long list of unpaid workers and pensioners as well as 

project put on hold due to lack of funds, yet they have the funds to for this extravagance.’ I lamented.

‘You are right Bint. That’s the unfortunate part of the story. Sometimes these governors are so out of touch with reality that their personal agendas are the only items they see on the horizon when they receive FAAC allocations. And don’t even try to imagine what the bride’s family is planning to do in order to match these grandiose offerings from groom’s family. I’m sure another state allocation will be truncated to make way for the unbudgeted ‘royal wedding.’ Meanwhile the poor workers, pensioners and infrastructure of both states will bear the brunt of this ‘state affair’. You are right Bint, our politicians are really people living without priorities.’ Tahir conceded. 

‘And the saddest thing to me, hubby dearest, is the fact that this wedding was a great opportunity for the governors to make a worthy statement. I mean they both belong to the ruling party whose famous slogan is ‘change’. They could have gone for a simple and transparent wedding arrangement, with little fuss and little spent and no public funds wasted. This would inspire the general public to opt for simple, inexpensive marriages because they have seen their leaders doing the same. But as it is now, though their mantra is ‘change’ in their personal affairs, they engage in the very same lavish lifestyles their predecessors practiced, how unfortunate.’ I observed.

‘Yes, this was really a missed opportunity for the governors. But it’s still not too late for the bride’s father to arrange a simple, inexpensive wedding, in the spirit of change and in tune with the current economic realities. Yes let’s hope that the wedding proper will be something for the people to emulate.’ Tahir concluded.

‘Let’s really hope and pray because the last I heard about it was that some people are planning to host the wedding in Dubai.’ I disclosed.

‘In Dubai?’ Tahir cried out in anger. ‘Then let these two governors get ready for impeachment. Honestly, they deserve nothing less if they really take this wedding to Dubai.’