Entertainment industry is lucrative if you properly tap into it – RealSophy

Fast-rising social media influencer, content creator, model and entertainer Sophia Chisom, born on May 12, 1999, holds a degree in Political and Public Administrative Studies from the University of Port Harcourt, Rivers State. The first of five children and native of Nnewi, Anambra State, speaks with Daily Trust Saturday on her growth in the entertainment […]

Entertainment industry is lucrative if you properly tap into it – RealSophy


Fast-rising social media influencer, content creator, model and entertainer Sophia Chisom, born on May 12, 1999, holds a degree in Political and Public Administrative Studies from the University of Port Harcourt, Rivers State. The first of five children and native of Nnewi, Anambra State, speaks with Daily Trust Saturday on her growth in the entertainment industry and why she dumped her course of study for content creation and skit-making. Excerpt

How did you venture into content creation and comedy?

My social media accounts were quite active since 2019 when I frequently posted makeup-free photos. However, I started creating skit content in July 2021. My journey into comedy and skit content was started by my creative director, popularly known as “Chalzani”. He pitched the idea to me, including the name and style/personality of my new character. At first, I was sceptical about it, but eventually, I started.



I particularly got to know you featuring Sabinus, how did you start with him? What’s the connection with him?

Sabinus is an amazing colleague. He initially reached out to me to create skit content with him a few years back. At the time, I was posting mainly photos. Although we never got the time to actually do the shoot, however, in 2021 I reached out to him to shoot content and coincidentally he had one he’d wanted to shoot with me as well. Eventually, we met up and created the contents. We remain very cordial.

You graduated with Political and Public Administrative studies but ventured into something entirely different. What’s the driving force?

I’ve always loved entertainment and I’ve always wanted to do something within the entertainment space. I just didn’t have a grip on how to go about it, until Chalzani proposed it. The fact that I’m not yet where I want to, drives me daily. And officially, I want to be able to lay my head in bed at night knowing that at least my content put a smile on somebody’s face. Unofficially, the entertainment industry is very lucrative as long as you’re able to properly tap into it, the financial benefits come into play.

Combining the job of a chef with content creation and comedy, how has it been? Which one are you devoting your full time to? 

Well, it isn’t easy combining them. Presently, I focus more on content creation because I derive more joy doing it, it also generates more income for me. On the other hand, I prefer doing the cooking jobs myself so lack of personal time adversely affects this. Someday, I’ll be able to find a balance for both but for now, I’m focusing more on content creation.

Why do you think skit-making resonates with a lot of people from the feedback you are getting?

I personally believe its resonance with a greater population of people is a result of the fact that it serves as a comic stress reliever, a mood booster and even somewhat, an antidepressant. A thing that is highly valued especially in these trying times the world over. The popular phrase “Laugh your sorrows away” comes into play.

What’s your perspective on the Nigerian entertainment industry?

The Nigerian entertainment industry being one of the fastest-growing in the world, packed with amazingly talented and gifted entertainers cutting across music, movies, and skits amongst others, is to me the greatest pride of the country presently. I believe someday this industry will be the benchmark of entertainment worldwide. It’s not perfect as there are lots of issues that need attention but with time, will come clarity and solutions to these various issues.

What are your future plans in the industry?

I look forward to going into the “big” movies eventually. I’d like to be in movies with great storylines, wonderful producers/directors and spectacular casts. 

Playing in this field of entertainment definitely comes with a lot of ups and downs, likes and dislikes, what has been your experience since you joined?

It hasn’t been all rosy trying to fit in fully into the entertainment space. As expected at first, I wasn’t sure how the audience would respond to my skits, I especially had difficulties trying to promote my content to a wider audience to hopefully grow my fan base but God has been truly faithful. Not all content will result in the best feedback, which can be quite hurtful, but consistency remains key. I’m certainly not where I want to be yet but I’m certainly in a better place than when I started.

Who are your role models and mentors in the industry?

Every entertainer in Nigeria and beyond doing great things is my mentor. From their achievements, I’m constantly motivated that we can all make waves. 

Are there plans to expand the scope of your participation in the entertainment/filmmaking industry?

I haven’t been featured in any movies yet. I’ve gotten a few scripts though but either I wasn’t comfortable with the character or I just didn’t like the story. So, I turned them down but as I mentioned before, there are plans to go to the movies. It will happen when the time is right.

What was going up like? 

Growing up, I was more of a solitary child. I got bullied a lot due to my then small frame but I had no idea I was being bullied. I only just learnt about the word “bully” when I grew up. Besides that, I had a typically normal childhood.

What’s your perspective about love? Does it really exist?

I’m a helpless romantic and a firm believer in love. It’s scary when you watch people fall in love and eventually fall out of love ready to harm each other. I do know that love exists because I’ve experienced it. I look forward to building a family of my own soon (a husband and hopefully three kids).

You strike a lot of your followers with your natural beauty. How do you wave off advances from men?

Advances from the opposite sex are normal. However, due to my social media presence, I’m mostly sceptical that most advances aren’t genuine and this makes me somewhat protective. So, I mostly just make my position clear from the get-go to avoid leading anyone on.

Have you ever experienced bullying or harassment before from colleagues in the industry?

I haven’t experienced any form of bullying/harassment from anyone in the industry. 

What do you think is responsible for negative stories flying around in the industry about some directors or producers harassing the younger ones probably for roles or other things?

One of the major reasons for this is the abuse of position on the part of a “few” producers, directors, etc and this cuts across every sector of the entertainment space worldwide. The tit-for-tat mentality sometimes comes from the cast themselves, male and female.

How can this be curbed?

This behaviour can be curbed to a large extent by enacting stronger laws punishing proven sexual harassment. 

What are your suggestions for improving the quality of outputs from both the filmmaking and skit-making industry?

For both sectors, producers and directors need to pay more attention to production quality, storyline and auditioning the right casts to interpret roles as opposed to friendly selections.

Where do you see yourself in the next 10 years for instance?

In 10 years, I hope to be a successful mother and wife. I would have featured in beautiful movies both locally and internationally. Soso would hopefully be a household name by then.