Entertainment industry now a game changer – Rarara

Dauda Kahutu Rarara has over the years established himself as President Muhammadu Buhari’s singer, and has done a lot in promoting the president via music. Recently, the singer brought together a group of entertainers under the name 13X13, and he has openly shown allegiance to Ahmed Tinubu’s candidature. In this interview, the singer talks about […]

Entertainment industry now a game changer – Rarara

Dauda Kahutu Rarara

Dauda Kahutu Rarara has over the years established himself as President Muhammadu Buhari’s singer, and has done a lot in promoting the president via music. Recently, the singer brought together a group of entertainers under the name 13X13, and he has openly shown allegiance to Ahmed Tinubu’s candidature. In this interview, the singer talks about a special prayer session organized by the group, among other issues in the entertainment sector.

What was  the reason behind the special prayer session recently held for Nigeria?

As the president of 13X13, a group of Northern entertainers and other stakeholders in the entertainment industry, I believe we all have a stake in the development of this nation irrespective of what one is involved in. It is apparent that the security agencies are doing their best and the government also is doing its best to see that the good people of Nigeria live in peace and harmony.

As faithful believers, we believe that committing this nation to divine intervention is what we need to do hence we decided to hold a special prayer session to seek God’s intervention on the present predicaments faced by Nigeria, especially in the northern region. That is why we organized the special prayer session.

Is it true that the prayer session was meant for Tinubu?

That is absolutely not true; we are talking about the unity and continued existence of Nigeria as a nation here and not an individual candidate or group of candidates. It is only when peace, security and unity are relatively present in a nation that you can talk about who governs it. Nigeria is greater than all of us, and our main aim is to see that we have contributed in returning back its lost glory as a nation.   

Everyone has a role to play in restoring our lost glory as a nation, we as entertainers gathered here to recite the Holy Qur’an and pray for the nation.

The security agencies, the government and other relevant stakeholders have a vital role to play in restoring peace to this noble nation, likewise the entertainment industry in the North and in all other regions. What Nigeria needs is divine intervention and that is why we organized this special prayer session with all stakeholders in the Northern entertainment industry to pray for peace and the unity of Nigeria. It is apparent that without peace nothing will move as expected.

Is the prayer session connected to the fact that some Nollywood artists were kidnapped recently?

It is not. However, it is indeed very sad that those considered to be our colleagues were kidnapped. It is unfortunate and we sympathize with them and also pray for their safe return to their respective families and their profession. As I said earlier, the prayer session is for the entire nation and not for a particular segment.

Is it true that 13X13 is not an entertainment platform but a political formation?

No, we formed the group to promote entertainment with more vigour. We believe as entertainers we will do more if we have a unified structure that can do something positive and in the best manner possible.

The group is aimed at assisting each other to do what we do in a better way, we want to ensure mutual support of our members as well as for our practicing and none practicing artistes.

It was revealed that the Hausa entertainment industry has been divided by political affiliation,  is that true?

No, it is not true, we belong to everyone and political affiliation will not divide us. We are one big family that pursue the goals of educating, entertaining and promoting sociocultural virtues of our region.

Everyone has a right to align to a political platform he or she feels comfortable  with at individual level and when it comes to our profession we see ourselves as artistes and not politicians.

Therefore, irrespective of one’s political alignment, entertainment is above any other engagements. 

How would you rate the current entertainment industry?

The entertainment industry has gradually become a game changer. It is one of the few institution that provides employment to millions of people and it has become a strong pillar in societal reorientation.

The industry is also contributing to the promotion of the nation’s revenue generation as well as contributing  citizen’s lawful earnings.

Entertainment has become everybody’s business today and I believe the sky is the limit for the industry.

What do you think is responsible for the insecurity issues in Nigeria?

I strongly believe that the major issue responsible for the nation’s present predicament is unemployment. Owing to the fact that jobs are not available, some citizens take to violence and dubious ways to make ends meet. They get involved in vices like robbery, fraud, prostitution, rituals, pocket picking and so on.

When there is no source of income, poverty sets in. Citizens are unable to feed and clothe themselves. Some people engage in disguised employment which is a situation where you earn less than you deserve or qualify for. The quality of life is reduced because of unemployment.

What is your reaction to the recent police directive that artistes should notify security when going out to film locations?

Let me speak on Kano State. I am aware that there has been a dedicated unit in the police saddled with the responsibility of giving artists on location the needed security. Producers don’t go out to locations without obtaining a permit from this unit and the unit ensures that the needed security is provided.

In a nutshell, we do not have such issues in Kano State and even if we do, I am confident that our members will definitely abide by the new directives.  

Why are you supporting Tinubu this time around?

First of all, don’t forget that I am a Nigerian and I have every right to support who I want to support based on personal valid reasons. Moreover, my candidate has  distinguished himself as a capable leader.

Lagos is what it is today because he did all the needful for it to remain calm and peaceful. At this point in time, Nigeria needs someone like Tinubu.