Erdoan calls on Muslim world to end regional conflicts serving West interests

President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan yesterday urged the leaders from Muslim countries to unite in face of regional challenges and those aiming to instigate divisions and conflict between them. “We should not build new borders and walls in our souls, in a region which had its borders drawn in blood. Muslims should no longer be fooled […]

Erdoan calls on Muslim world to end regional conflicts serving West interests

Erdoan calls on Muslim world to end regional conflicts serving West interests

President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan yesterday urged the leaders from Muslim countries to unite in face of regional challenges and those aiming to instigate divisions and conflict between them.

“We should not build new borders and walls in our souls, in a region which had its borders drawn in blood. Muslims should no longer be fooled by those who try to incite their differences and turn them on each other,” Erdoğan said during his address to the members of the Standing Committee for Economic and Commercial Cooperation of the Organisation of the Islamic Cooperation’s (COMCEC) 34th Ministerial Session, in Istanbul.

The leaders of the Muslim world have often been criticized of falling into conflict with each other, instead of uniting, mostly due to regional power alliances shaped by Western powers.

In addition, the “divide-and-rule” approach has often been used for Western interest particularly in the Middle East, following the fall of the Ottoman Empire and the decline of its influence.

“I want to say it clearly that the foundational reason behind most of the crises, tensions, bloodshed and tears we witness, from Syria to Iraq, from Yemen to Palestine, is the design put to work with the Great War [World War I],” Erdoğan said.

“We should not fall into traps of those moves with the mentality that a drop of oil is more valuable than a drop of blood,” Erdoğan warned the participants at the meeting, and added that while history cannot be reversed, necessary lessons should be taken for a better common future. (Daily Sabah).